The Third Day of…

Flash in the Pan CoverWould you like to not, let’s repeat “NOT”, be parted from your money?

What simpler way is there than picking up a free ebook? Twelve reasons why this free ebook is worth the download and why you will read it all the way to the end.

1. Flash in the Pan offers you a broad range of talent.

2. Some of the flashes are perfect bathroom reading, either as singles or chapters, based on your need.

3. Any flash could begin a conversation. Take it with you to parties to end the small talk struggle.

4. Drama, suspense, humor, heart-string-tugging. All in one book.

5. Diversity: No two authors took a prompt the same way.

6. Your creativity will be stirred to the point you may even write flash with us in the new quarter.

7. Trying small bites of flash will fill you up without making you unbutton your pants.

8. There is a surprise in every chapter. You will never see it coming.

9. This is the original Flash in the Pan, the first in a series of unforgettable flash books.

10. It opens the door to the rest of the FTP series by showing you how talented authors can deliver a worthwhile story and memorable characters without prattling on for 100,000 words.

11. Cover to cover, you can read it in an afternoon.

12. Free ebooks make terrific gifts for the person who is impossible to buy an appropriate gift. Simply forward your friend the download link!

Discover why Flash in the Pan is a perfect gift for you and your favorite reader. Once you read the free ebook, you will want the (amazingly inexpensive) paperback from RedmundPro.

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  1. Excellent ad campaign, my dear…. So much better than the usual intrusive commercialism which inundates us this time of year…. and, I imagine it’s a relatively quick, easy post, which has to help in your current seemingly unending task involving overt cardboard overload… Kudos! But then, it’s hard to think of a time you don’t exhibit a greater than average efficiency of mind….

    Goes with the territory, I would suppose… he said, with some feeling…


    I’ll be in touch later….

    gigoid, the dubious

    gigoid recently posted..Stereotyping promotes bigotry, it’s clear….My Profile

    • Some of them are really easy… except there are a lot more flash books. While I am a firm believer in recycling, I am not duplicating reasons.

  2. I love it and agree with the previous commenter.
    Tess recently posted..The Sunday Show – Tess (Teresa) Karlinski – What Does The World Need Now?My Profile

    • Feel completely free to steal the idea, Tess. As these have progressed, there are buyers who are telling me they prefer it. I take that to heart. xxx

  3. I wonder how many of these have already been downloaded? It has to be in the hundreds, and if not then it should be my sweet friend.

    I am pleased to see that there is going to be more Flash in the Pan writing coming along shortly and I am raring to go with anything that you add.

    I am confident that whatever words are chosen, every one of them will be successfully incorporated into yet another best selling Flash in the Pan book for everyone to read.

    Let me know when we are starting them Red 🙂

    Andro xxxx

    • As I told Tess (somewhere), we will be kicking off the new year with a new set of words and the last two installments. 🙂


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