Dear CrackBerry


Picture taken with another CrackBerry… the PlayBook.

Not BlackBerry… CrackBerry.

Dear CrackBerry,

You are the newest in a lengthening line of BlackBerry products to be elevated to the status of CrackBerry. See, I have come to the place I rely on you at a near addiction level.

Anyone can tell me of this or some other app which is today’s necessary download. Fact of the matter is, you are already loaded with a native which does that exact “now” thing, only you were loaded with it months and years before the iGuys got to it.

All the things you make obsolete boggle the mind. I have managed to retire everything from my digital Rolodex (from an age before smart phones and PDAs), my alarm clock, my calendar, my camera (which I occasionally miss), my notebook, my landline, my television to my stereo (or whatever they are called now) and nearly my laptop. I still do like caressing keys every once in a while since they have letters on them again, so it will likely continue to hang about for some time. Although, as your dictation gets better, I may reevaluate the situation.

Some may long for simpler times. I can hardly think of a device which has made my life simpler with such a smooth learning curve.

Devoted (or is that addicted?),

Red Signature

Do you have a device you would not want to do without? Can you write a letter a day for a month?

A Month of Letters

Month of Letters

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  1. I’d like to do without the home telephone. I never think of calling anyone because there are many other avenues open when I NEED to connect with someone.
    Too many media available for ‘communication’. Can’t do them all. Who would want to? I know I cannot. <3
    Tess recently posted..100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week #168My Profile

    • I adore mine. My home telephone is only wrong numbers. I have only given it to three people. One calls. The rest just text me anyway. LOL xxx

  2. I can answer, yes I can absolutely answer.

    Addict, you are an addict. I know, rude. But still addict it is.

    Love you though darlin’
    Valentine Logar recently posted..Godless LiberalMy Profile

  3. I’ve waited for computers to reach this level of performance for almost all my life; I’m not giving it up now, not until they make the phones fit my hands better, and, smooth out the voice writer function a bit more. It’s still too slow for my preference. Eventually, the phones will do everything a laptop will do now; I’ll wait a bit longer to start wearing it on my belt, with a earpiece/mic, and holographic projection in front of my eyes. Then, we will have complete communication and computing capability, while fully mobile and hands free… Can’t wait…

    Yes, I can, but, no, thanks, not this month… Besides, yours are cool enough….


    gigoid recently posted..Stealing candy from babies is trickier than it seems…. Ask any Senator…My Profile

    • The holo projections are already available in micro-pens now. I cannot wait for them to integrate the tech to tele. I will be in high cotton then. xxx

  4. When the cable and satellite companies do away with the constant need of the landline things will be so much better, I never use mine but the phone is there, taking up space like a thing of the past.

    Landlines are for yesterday and are completely boring, I only use my cell / mobile phone these days, or the computers, that’s the now and the future so let’s get rid of those pesky landlines once and for all 🙂 Yaaaaaaay

    Sorry for my rant… lol

    Andro xxxx

    • Ironically, even my telly is broadband. No need for the stinking thing hanging on the wall. The single time it was useful was breaking in the new CrackBerry because the vendor had no idea what their responsibility was when I deactivated the old one. *le sigh* Why am I technologically advanced?


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