Light It Up Blue

pokeIf you have been off social media in the last week, you may have missed the thousands of posts reminding everyone to wear blue today (02APR) for Autism Awareness Day.

I saw a comment on one such post which read to the effect the writer would not be wearing blue because he did not know anyone with autism, so it could not be that big a deal.

My Answer

If you do not personally know anyone who has autism, wear blue for these two. Little V and Man Cub. As special as I may find them on a number of levels, they are just like so many other children. One in every 44 boys will be born with autism. For girls, one in every 189. One out of every 150 children have autism.

While you may not know 150 children, I am willing to loan you mine.

Autism Awareness Day


It Gets Better!

Not only should you wear blue today, but you should also be obnoxious about it. If you do not have some overtly autism-themed duds to don, put on your smart-Aleck shirt. You know the one. When someone comments (or even looks and smiles), tell them WHY you have on a blue shirt. Tell them who you are wearing blue for today.

I did.

Red Dwyer Blue

Stop by my Facebook page (link to the left) and feel free to share the picture of my children. Even if we only reach one person each, we are raising awareness.

Thank you for all you do for me!

Hashtags: #LightItUpBlue #autism

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  1. Admire your effort in this regard

  2. Autism certainly could use more publicity and more study.

    • With the genetic isolation of autism, I sincerely hope the economy does not drive the research. I was really proud of all the autistic parents I saw yesterday. Most of them were offering education and support to non-autistic parents. I was amazed at how many non-parents (mostly too young to have families) who took to LIUB with a fire for those of us they know who have autistic children.

  3. I’m a day late but I dressed in blue yesterday anyway, although no-one saw me because I hadn’t gone out.
    Every child deserves a wonderful childhood no matter who they are or where.
    Your two are magnificent! <3
    Tess recently posted..100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week #173My Profile

    • I could not agree more, Tess. I am so ready for summer so we can begin traveling and sightseeing. 🙂 xxx

  4. Wore all over blue when I went out! Love me some V and N

  5. It’s very interesting and inspiring topic. I’m sure many will be glad to read this article. Thanks for sharing it. Fantastic post!

  6. We should all be doing something to make people aware, I have posted things on my G+ pages in the past and I have seen others adding to theirs but there is a lack of awareness I know that.

    I must admit that I didn’t know the date and subsequently didn’t wear any blue on the day but that doesn’t stop me from being supportive and caring for those that have autism, and whenever I see a posting of same I always add it to mine and leave the page static, everyone can do that it’s easy 🙂

    This is a very good posting Red and thank you for the reminder, I will add this date to my calendar and I won’t forget it next year that’s for sure 🙂

    Andro xxx

    • I am always amazed when I come across someone who is woefully unaware. Even in my reclusivity, I am relatively up to date on epidemiology of most ailments in our country and many worldwide. If I were to excuse myself for it, I could blame it on my parental status as protecting my children. Still, it makes me wonder how others could be unaware of those things which could affect the society as a whole. :/


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