Prompt: Create A Holiday

With thousands of holidays cluttering a calendar with only 365 days, finding a celebratory cause which was not already claimed was a mite tough.

holiday ecard

Considering this is something I do everyday, choosing a day to celebrate this accomplishment was as simple as drawing numbers from a random number generator.


The official name of this celebration is Life Sentence Day. The multiple meanings should bring a smile to everyone’s face who joins.

If you, too, have saved a life, celebrate Life Sentence Day with me August 21.

Suggested forms of celebration include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Purchase of new shoes (to kick more ass)
  • Wearing a new hat (to keep crap off your head)
  • Wine, hard cider or the frozen drink of your choice
  • Dancing with someone you did not save
  • Sleeping late and/or staying up all night

Spread the word. Let’s make Life Sentence Day a holiday to remember!


Will you join me on a Month of Prompts? Grab the picture. Link to the page. It will be a fun ride!

What would you call your holiday? Will you join me in celebrating Life Sentence Day?

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  1. You betcha, I’ll help you celebrate, but I’m starting now. Excuse me while I change out of these sandals into something with more kick.

    I try to make everyday ME day. Unfortunately, it seems no one else wants to celebrate.

    Great idea, Red.

  2. Already did that ten years ago. It’s called Wombat Day!
    Binky recently posted..Internet PatienceMy Profile

  3. A day all to myself, just me, now how cool would that be? I am noting down the date and will be celebrating (yes I did say celebrating) the chosen day with glee. What a marvellous thought.

    Have a wonderful Thursday dear Red 🙂

    Andro xxx

    • Excellent! I shall post it on social media and everyone else can join in as well. 🙂 xxx So glad to see you.


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