All posts in category Make a Difference

Letter to Santa

Night Blooming Cereus

Good evening, Nicky. I heard the deer were in good form this year because Mrs. Claus has mastered the high-energy recipe for carrot soufflé I emailed her in the spring. My requests for this year should prove to be a load lightener, for which we will all be grateful.

Saturday Evening Post

Warner Brothers The Wizard of Oz

Normally, the SEP is a break from the action for news and commentary from the week. Not this Saturday. Grab a cuppa. The strong stuff is on the table. Snuggle into a rocker. You might even want a blanket. Let’s talk.


Anyone can eat an elephant

I have never really know when to say “when”. Routinely, I overestimate my capacity to endure, withstand and under what conditions I am willing to survive. (This post does not translate well. If you would like it in another language, please email.)

If Only to Throw a Rock

When one loses function of a limb, even for a brief time, and the use returns, it is alien. The same can be said of organs.

Saturday Evening Post

No Silence

This week has been long and really is not over yet. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. The fire is roaring, and the lights are glowing. Let’s talk.