All posts in category Child Safety


There is no denying the bonds and the experiences of elementary school change the way we view the world and ourselves. The introduction of other family constructs and such concepts of responsibility, self-help and teamwork help us form some identity characteristics we carry into adulthood. Not all of those experiences are truly positive.

What say?

Rock ‘n’ Roll ain’t noise pollution… We all know lots of other things are. Besides light, noise is one of the most pervasive pollutants on the planet. It is everywhere. And there is some of it you can definitely prevent and avoid, for yourself and others.

Going to the ER…Now.

Emergency rooms are designed for people with injuries and illnesses which require immediate care. Still, some question whether it is appropriate to go the ER or wait until Monday, or their next doctor’s appointment. Top 10 reasons to go immediately to the nearest emergency room: 1. Major loss of blood Any condition which bleeds for […]

Baby Vampires

Toddlers biting is not that unusual,” say the childless pediatrician. Please resist the urge to shake the doctor until her teeth rattle. There is little comfort in knowing most children bite at one time or the other. So why do they bite? Psychologists admit most children have bitten someone at least once, or been on […]

The only thing I am afraid of…

 is what my children are not afraid of.” ~Wanda Dupuy Every parent feels this at some point. For Mrs. Dupuy, it was seeing her two-year-old at the top of a 50-foot radio tower, holding on with one hand and one foot, waving the other two at her. Balancing Act Baby Dupuy’s balancing act has nothing […]