Day 14: Who does that?

This is going to be probably the shortest post on M3.

My clothes perfectly reflect my mood today. We are going to have a test of your animation knowledge.


Oscar the GrouchPants:

Stewie Griffin

Yes, you caught me in my pajamas.

Are there some days you get to work before you get dressed? Would you rather telecommute or merely be able to write in your pajamas?

Have a terrific day!

© Red Dwyer 2013
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  1. Some days I spend my whole working days in my pajamas. I’m more comfortable, and don’t get distracted to go out and play instead. Love your PJs!
    Gail Thornton recently posted..ForkMy Profile

  2. Stewie the Grouch
    Bearman recently posted..Eating Crow and Other UpdatesMy Profile

  3. I love your PJs…that’s exactly my style. Once in awhile on one of my two days off, I stay in my PJs all day. I make sure to get all my chores done on the other day though because I never get any work done until I get dressed. 🙂
    Wendy Reid recently posted..FTP – Waitress 100 wordsMy Profile

  4. ‘Jama Day! Yea!

    Usually “fuzzy clothes” until noon, then dressed for me. And I would rather be retired or a kept woman. I am retired.

    • I am retired, too. I think your other choice would be a good fit for me at this stage 😉

  5. Are you implying some poor folks must get dressed before starting to work?
    Binky recently posted..Best Food FriendMy Profile

  6. When working from home, it’s possible to answer just enough email to make it look like I’m working while not.
    to be fair, I spend enough time working while not at working to make up for it.
    El Guapo recently posted..A Message From The Fool Of FridaysMy Profile

    • On day, everyone will learn not to work off the clock. I believe in telecommuting. Always have.

  7. Since I spend most of my days at home I usually dress in just long legged boxers so I don’t scare the neighbours! 🙂

    I have pyjama trousers, but I only wear them when I put out the recyclables! 🙂

    Love the Jammies though – Stewie is a favourite character even though I am now sick of the repeats… 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    Prenin recently posted..Tuesday – I collect my medication.My Profile

  8. Oscar lives in a trash can. He’s got some grouching to do.
    C. Brown recently posted..Can You Forgive?My Profile

    • He has always been my favorite character from SS. Everyone else loved Cookie Monster. Me? I have always been green. 😉

  9. I only do yoga pants and tee’s. That is all black on black. Sometimes if I am feeling brilliant I will throw on a colored tee, but mostly just black on black.

    I love your jammies.
    Valentine Logar recently posted..New Middle AgeMy Profile

    • Yoga pants and tee’s. My kinda “dress.”
      I can’t remember the last time I wore a dress. I do remember the last time I bought one. Off a sale rack ($30! some sale!) for my goddaughter’s christening. She married in 2009…and has a (?) birthday coming up in 10 days. I THINK I finally gave that rag away to a Goodwill truck, but if not, this year for SURE. I kept thinking I needed ONE good dress in case of some emergency, but I have neat black pants that fill the bill, and a couple of black skirts likewise (which I haven’t worn yet).

    • I am wondering if I will ever settle into something comfy enough to own a week’s worth.

  10. Yes let’s have a pyjama party, the first one to crack a funny joke strips to the niff, mind you that could be even funnier if the weather is cold enough 🙂

    Hey don’t be so cheeky 🙂 lmao

    Andro xxxx


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