Flash in the Pan

Marie splashed Scotch over an ice chunk she pretended had enough class to be rocks. It was really just taking up room she could have used for more alcohol.

August 18. Three years, eight months, four days, seven hours and sixteen minutes. Even at a shot a minute she could not wash away the pain of being left at the altar.

Welcome to "Flash in the Pan"

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

Tipping the scales at a mere 60 words against August’s 75-word upper limit, this flash features the word left. Methinks with that much Scotch, she could be directionally-challenged.

August is wrapping up. How far ahead of me are you? Flashers are everywhere! Grab the Flash in the Pan page (on the left under the header image) and surf the blogosphere with the best flash fictioneers ever.

If you do not have a copy of the books, you are definitely missing out. Some of the flashes in the books are different from those presented on the blogs. A very large number (nearly 20%) were never posted on the Internet. The only place you will read them in is an FTP book!

Why do we believe a depressant (alcohol) will lift our spirits? What keeps us from pursuing new relationships?

Have you left a review for an FTP book?

Hashtags: #flashfiction #getpublished w/ @RedmundPro

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  1. Somehow, I sense, that each shot Marie takes only causes her to remember the moment more, rather than forget all about it! Another good one, Red.

    I’m not sure I’m posting these in order now or not, trying to catch up, but here’s my flash for the word left: http://wp.me/pVkLb-1L2
    Tom recently posted..Spring TimeMy Profile

  1. Spring Time | Within The Sphere
  2. Left : Left Handed : (75) Flash-In-The-Pan | an honest day or two
  3. Fall Flash 6 – QBG_Tilted Tiara
  4. The Basement | Flashes of My Life

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