Oh, where, oh, where…

It this just not an awesome graph?


There have been many of you who are in the SIB to let me know you cannot see this message!!! I am so excited. Let me show a bit more of the graphic.



What strikes me is the third very large divot of M3 being offline. This is during the time when email goes out to all of the subscribers and traffic around here skyrockets. FYI, Go Daddy cannot say *I* broke it. During the divots, everyone on that grid were down. Like, now.

See, as I am writing this, M3 is nowhere to be found. I am forced to write this, in what appears to the naked eye as, offline. Even the backroom of M3 is offline, not just that part you enjoy. The part where I make it happen… Missing. Poof! Gone.

Spiders cannot crawl it. Search engines come up to nothing. Faithful M3 Readers are left with a whirlygig. We all know how much we despise the whirlygig. Or you got this creative piece of [expletive].

Leave it to the PTB to give you an error with no discernible line of contact. Everyone needs the SIB in their address books. Either go to Ask Momma or type your name after mommasmoneymatters.com/ in your address bar to get it. I will take the Google hit for it.

There are a few of you who were able to see M3 compliments of the extensive cloud coverage I have employed for M3. Your inconvenience came in the form of being unable to comment or Love! or star or interact with the live internal links. This is because time was standing still.

As you may recall, I revealed you cannot discern the passage of my virtual time. I appear to be everywhere all at the same time. No, McGonegal did not give me a time turner. Instead, I have loaded cached versions of M3 to cloud servers around the world. In the event my host, hereinafter referred to as Voldemort, decides in his evil wisdom to take M3 offline. The information is still available. The interaction is not.

Why am I Red today?

I pay for dedicated IP servers. This means M3 is not (supposed to be) on a huge server with a gazillion other “just a blog”s. I pay to have it on a server where when the power goes out in the neighborhood (the grid), the lights are still burning at M3.

Guess what. Voldemort had to admit today, I was indeed on a shared hosting grid. No, they cannot move this behemoth off the shared host server because (they are too stupid to do what they are paid to do, they cannot contact the server housing this behemoth, they have their pants around their ankles trying to figure out who broke it).

Can you guess who is back on the Google spankies list for being inaccessible?

More Red.

After spending a few hours on the telephone with web hosts, I am rather irked to report the hosts which were suggested to me thus far are unable to handle the demand of M3 with at least as much attention as Voldemort has paid. Meanwhile, I am working on getting into a beta of a dedicated server program which may solve parts of this problem.

I wish a had a saw buck for every time I heard the words…

For a BLOG?!”

…when discussing the amount of traffic, data and bandwidth involved in hosting M3. I could hear Clyde whistling in the background. Just wait until you see what he has up his sleeve for Saturday.


Anyone who reads this post, please comment with your suggestion for a web host. M3 is packing its bags.


After this post went live, M3 was offline for another 14 minute span for a total of eight hours and 30 minutes. Woo. Stinking. Hoo.

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available in The Office.
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  1. Hi Red

    I actually didn’t know you could pay to be on a separate server to us ‘just other blogs’ ;). I truly have no idea how all this works out. I just pay my telephone company for a modem installed & gigabytes per month. I have no idea where the server is…

    When Daniel plays cyber games and talks to his mates on Skype he often says, “Which server are you on?” I don’t know how they log out of one & go into another to join each other, or how even the games place can operate all these servers in the one game ??? Kids these days….

    But you explained this very well (for my comprehension). I’d be wanting my money back (or credit, going forward) for being told I will get my own server. Hope you work this stuff out. But you’re not packing your bags?
    Noeleen recently posted..Well, that was nice Big Brother – but no, actually…Too Damned FreakyMy Profile

    • Actually, I am packing the bags. I have been looking into alternatives for M3. Part of the problem is the size. I have a few options, but the host with the beta program really wants me to move with them and try and break their process. M3 is perfect for their testing because it is sprawling and thoroughly unreasonable in its expectations, and the traffic is more than most ever dream for “only a blog”.

  2. Try using my server! it’s incredible slow…if I am not mistaken, my country is in the top 10 slowest internet connection.
    Novroz recently posted..FITP & Flash 55: For Better or WorseMy Profile

    • It is, Nov. I had a very hard time getting M3 delivered to your country in less than 10 (TEN!) seconds. I had to employ a cloud over the metropolitan areas to get M3 delivered to you without you being able to watch Papoe grow while the pages load!


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