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Are you one of those people who wait until now to shop for gifts?

You know what would make a fabbo gift? A book. Even people who do not like to read will read flash. It is the perfect bathroom reader.

Is someone on your list a voracious reader? Did you know the set of the first four flash books is on sale? Saving money is always a good thing.

Take a few minutes to shop for someone who may have only recently cropped up on your list, that someone who has every-stinking-thing or the person who shows up with a gift full-well expecting one in return. You know having an emergency gift wrapped is never a bad idea.

Let’s take a field shopping trip. Click the bus.

Red Road Trip Bus

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  1. Still way to early to shop for gifts.

  2. all the kids in the family get checks so they can waste their own money.
    Bearman recently posted..The Spirits of ChristmasMy Profile

  3. Gifts? Really, I have to buy gifts?

    Valentine Logar recently posted..Half a LifetimeMy Profile

  4. I tend to be more organised when buying gifts and tend to focus more on peoples birthdays. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Phil recently posted..Thatโ€™s what I doMy Profile

  5. Usually I am ready for Christmas way before the need to worry about presents but this year I must admit to being a tad behind, though everything is in order.

    Your idea of offering a collection of FTP books is an excellent one and I am sure that it is a gift that everyone would like, and not just for Christmastime.

    I will be purchasing some of our FTP books in the New Year 2014 so get ready for that ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a wonderful Tuesday Red ๐Ÿ™‚

    Andro xxxx


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