All posts tagged babies

Coping With The Stranger In Our Midst

Adding a new baby to the family affects a child in many different ways. Some react with jealousy, some become the helper role, still others want to be the town crier. You need a way to help them cope. So how do you know what to say?” Understanding what your child understands about the business of babies is […]

We Are Having Puppies.

One of the questions I dreaded the most when I was pregnant, especially with the last three, was “What are you having?” Being of ornery nature, my answer was always an upbeat, bright: Puppies, if I am lucky!” The last trimester is plagued with little or no sleep. Obstetricians advise: If you speak and/or sing […]

The Hump Between Us

Tell Mate. Check! Tell bestie. Check. Tell parents. (Braces self) Check. Tell monster-in-law. Ugh. Check. Tell children. Shoot me now. Precisely how do you tell your children there is a (or another) sibling on the way?” Age appropriate information is the only way. Toddlers Toddlers have a grasp of language, knowledge of the word “baby” and […]