All posts tagged book reviews

Writers Spotlight: Ben Woodard

Red was coming off the patio when she saw a group of boys hovering around a booth. It did not take a second to recognize Ben Woodard in the center of the hoard. She grabbed a cuppa and headed off to talk about boys, eagles and secret sex scenes.

Writers Spotlight: Ann Marie Dwyer

At the M3 Coffee Shoppe, Red finished up in the kitchen and headed down the hall to the office to check comments when she caught her reflection in the mirror at the end of the hall. So, maybe answering some questions for the M3 Readers about T3 and the upcoming books was not a totally […]

Writers Spotlight: Emma McClain

Red was finishing up the closing ritual at the M3 Coffee Shoppe when she noticed a lady out on the patio with her feet pulled up in the chair and a journal on her knees. She recognized the poet’s pose and wandered out to see what Emma McClain was writing in her version of Mantra’s […]

Writers Spotlight: Ann Uhry Abrams

Red nearly dropped an entire tray of blueberry cream stuffed croissants on the floor when she heard a woman’s voice order a Coca-Cola at the counter. When she popped out of the kitchen to see Ann Uhry Abrams smiling at the cashier, she told someone else to grab the tray to put in the display […]

Writers Spotlight: Karen Jourden

Red was building Napoleons…raspberry Napoleons…when she heard the faint lilt of zydeco coming from the café. Who was sitting in the Coffee Shoppe with a group of the regulars? Someone from home: Karen Jourden. She popped the Napoleons in the case and headed out with a pair of cuppas to talk about politics, poetry and […]