All posts tagged fulfillment

Saturday Evening Post

In a week where I have had more than a few requests for the beach, this week’s Saturday Evening Post is about sand, rocks and dirt. The fans are on, and the cuppas are ready on the tray. Grab one. Settle into a rocker. Clyde has preempted everything else. Let’s talk.

Muse for Monday


The regularly scheduled post for tonight has been preempted so Mantra can bring you what she thinks compliments Clyde’s Friday idea. If you are not clear on what that means, stop by the SEP and skip down to Clyde. When you get to the end, we will be right here waiting for you.

I Do Not Have To

Crystal Hourglass

Once we recognize what is a time suck, we can take proactive steps to stopping the sand from slipping through the hourglass unchecked. If you referred back to your list, you found some items there which were sucking your schedule dry of reward time. If you were not here for the beginning of the MAD […]

The Hidden Meaning

Now, the introduction to Muse for Monday was fairly clear (reread again to be sure). Go ahead, and click the link. It will open in another tab, so you can keep reading here. The reason I wanted you to pick an image of what empty meant to you was because I discovered long after I […]