All posts tagged gifts

Letter to Santa

Night Blooming Cereus

Good evening, Nicky. I heard the deer were in good form this year because Mrs. Claus has mastered the high-energy recipe for carrot soufflé I emailed her in the spring. My requests for this year should prove to be a load lightener, for which we will all be grateful.

The Tenth Day of…

If you are past the point of having toddlers, raise your hand. Anyone have children (or grandchildren) under 5? Who has teenagers? Great! This one is all for you!

The Ninth Day of…

Mantra's Book of Shadows

Ever want to rant, but not come across as a raving wacko? This is right up your alley.

The Fifth through Eighth Days of…

Flashes from the Bistro

Rather than dragging this out until it becomes trite, let’s powerhouse with a four-fer.

The Fourth Day of…

This incessant fairy is out of the lantern and would like to lead today’s post. Meh. Let her.