All posts tagged gratitude

Dear Water

Seltzer with Lemon

The absolutely necessary ingredient for life.

Pardon the Mess

Red Signature

Many apologies to those whose comments were eaten and who were unable to access M3 during the monstrous migration of this behemoth to a new server. Thank you for your perseverance. I appreciate your time.

Saturday Evening Post

Labor Day Quote

Got a moment for me? Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. The heat is at bay enough to be bearable. Let’s talk.

Dear Teachers

A Month of Letters

To the instructors in my life,

Saturday Evening Post

In a week where I have had more than a few requests for the beach, this week’s Saturday Evening Post is about sand, rocks and dirt. The fans are on, and the cuppas are ready on the tray. Grab one. Settle into a rocker. Clyde has preempted everything else. Let’s talk.