All posts tagged Humor

Haughty, Psychic, Medical Follies

For the return of the Friday Follies, in its 50th edition, we are embarking on a new twist: Hatemail from those who are psychic and who should well know the meanings before they read the words. Standard rules apply. Drink out of reach of the screen.

Friday Follies: White Meat Edition

Apparently, The M3 Blog is a spam magnet. Perhaps, an illustrated example will make this a little clearer.

Saturday Evening Post

We made it a week with no knives, fires or major catastrophes, but barely. The sphere has been spinning fast, and Clyde has a smirk for something which may make you smile. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.

Muse for Monday

Dead Brain Cells

Someone would like to light fire to the Internet. Is there a firefighter in the house? Ugh. Really? Perhaps, we can get one on call?

Housework for the Idle Bloke


The old concept of a woman’s place is in the home has long gone for the modern day female and this study gives a short outline of how to get the narrow-minded male into the knack of doing household chores without tearing your hair out in the process.