All posts tagged identity

V is for Validation

Validate: to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of. Every one of us seeks validation on some level. When we are not validated by others, we have to look at whether or not we validate ourselves. Often self-validation is the key to wider, true  endorsement.

T is for Temperament

Temperament is innate, a direct result of genetics. No, research has not identified the genes responsible for it, but we know it is wired in our DNA. Temperament is the natural way we interact with one another and our environment. Since we examined the overall effect in K is for Keirsey, let’s look at it […]

K is for Keirsey

Do you have any idea what your personality type is? No, we are not talking about your introduction. In the four planes of personality, on which ones do you reside? Oh, you have no idea what this is? Step right up. Let’s have a little fun.

E is for Endorsement

Acceptance is a funny thing. While we often are content to have no one in direct defiance of what we do, more often we seek the endorsement of our closest friends and family. Occasionally, we seek the endorsement of those who know us in passing or not at all. There is no salary in this […]

D is for Defiance

No. No. No. No! NO! Sound like someone you know? Is it you? We all know there are plenty of situations where the appropriate answer is No. Defiance is when the only answer is No. Does that mean all defiance is bad behavior? Red crypticism: Depends on what you are defying.