Thank ya. Thank ya, vury much.

What exactly does thank you mean? Webster says it is “a polite expression of one’s gratitude”. While that may be true, thank you can mean much more.

Right on!

After someone else makes statement, thank you means “I agree wholeheartedly.” This is especially true when the statement was pointing out the blatantly obvious.

Can I get an “Amen!”?

Thank you at the end of a statement means “It is not up for debate.” How many times have you heard something akin to this?

And I am not doing that again, thank you!”


“You are such a peach. Thank you.” Have you ever said this to someone who was irritating as a boil under the elastic of your underpants? (Raises hand. Asks for an “Amen!”.)


Generally, this thank you is followed by some expression of higher power. Whether you are thanking goodness, your God, powers that be, lucky stars or what have you, overall, you are satisfied with an outcome or happy about it.

Attitude of Gratitude

The simple thank you expresses gratitude, but not always as just a polite gesture. It is not the knee-jerk reaction to something, but instead heartfelt gratefulness. Here, thank you means:

  • I appreciate what you did for me.
  • You really did not have to do that, but I am glad you did.
  • I recognize you did something for me without being asked.
  • I am glad you did that for _________________.
  • You have done something good I never expected.
  • Your presence makes my day better.
  • I appreciate you without you doing anything out of the ordinary.

Your turn.

Take a moment to think about who you thank, or have forgotten to thank.

  • When was the last time you told someone thank you for something you expected them to do?
  • Have you thanked someone for helping you without asking them to do it?
  • Do you thank people for doing their jobs satisfactorily?
  • Do you thank them for doing their best, even when unsuccessful?
  • Have you thanked your mate for abiding your moodiness, pet peeves, bizarre behavior, socks on the floor or miserable table manners?
  • Did you thank your parents for raising you?
  • Have you thanked the last person who listened to you rant?
  • When was the last time you thanked your children/grandchildren for minding?
  • Did you thank the person who helped you do something even though it was an inconvenience for them?
  • Have you thanked the last person you interrupted for stopping what they were doing/saying to handle your emergency?
  • When did you last thank your prayer circle?
  • Did you thank the last person who pointed out you were misbehaving?
  • Do you thank yourself for doing the things you should?

Just one more thing.

Thank you.


What was one of the most memorable thank you‘s you have gotten? Have you thanked someone today?  


(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2011
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  1. Angela Young

     /  December 1, 2011

    My last thank you was to you:) I try very hard to have an attitude of gratitude and say ‘thank you’ at every opportunity. I hadn’t thought of the negative connotations:) Have you noticed ‘thank you’ seems to be disappearing in our society (at least in some quarters). The one who gets the most gratitude is God. How can I ever thank Him enough?

    • And you know you did not need to thank me for that 🙂

      Yes, I have noticed and think it is more pervasive than just “some quarters”. It is especially lacking in the service industry where everyone assumes a job well done is no cause for thanks. What I find sadder is the people I thank seem to think I have lost my mind (more than usual). It is very foreign to them to have someone recognize either their work, effort, attitude or presence.

      And no, I doubt you can thank Him enough. Red.

  2. awarewriter

     /  December 1, 2011

    Attitude of gratitude. I like that definition Red. When I thank a person, it’s what I mean. When you thank a person, you acknowledge their value as a person, not simply for something they may have done for you.

    Thank you is built into my psyche I suppose. I don’t think about saying thank you, it comes to me naturally.

    I don’t expect thank you’s, but I do appreciate them. My mother thanks me every day for taking her out. I tell her she doesn’t need to thank me but she keeps on doing it. lol

    Mom is 89 and doesn’t drive any more. My son-in-law gave her the the nickname “grandmom McManiac.” I rode in the car with her once and vowed never again. She gave up her car keys when she was hospitalized back in May, 2010.

    So, I keep her car and drive over to her home every day to visit, to make sure she’s ok, I bring her lunch from our leftovers when the leftovers are tasty and I take her out nearly every day. We went to the department store today to get another sweater in a different color. We were there on Tuesday and I helped her pick out some new stuff. I have good taste. (another lol). Mom thanks me every day and I know she means it. I’d call those thank you’s memorable.

    Thank you Red.


    • I, too, have thank you ingrained into me. I say thank you over the polite things, even when people have forgotten to say thank you for it. And I do it in person at some of the strangest moments.

      What you do for your mother is wonderful. I would hope my children would be so kind and tolerant of me in my old age. So, yes, all of those thank you‘s are very memorable.

      And at least you are not picking out matching T-shirts! LOL! Thank you for sharing and staying such a faithful person. Red.

  3. James Parsons

     /  December 1, 2011

    I know that I personally don’t say thank you enough. The south is teaching me my manners all over again and I love it. And I owe you a big THANK YOU Red THANK YOU!!!

    • I certainly hope those who fall beneficiary of your thanks are well-deserved and appreciative. Thank you for commenting! Red.

  1. Yours Truly | Momma's Money Matters
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