Newsflash: Error Resolved?

This is merely a test of the post system. If you had been having errors loading or commenting on any post on M3, it should be resolved at this juncture. If you have a problem with this or any other post, please let me know. Guess how it was fixed.

The most recent update was the answer from WP to the problems everyone was having, despite the press release saying:

Better handling for plugins or themes loading JavaScript incorrectly.”

The solution, as bloggers expected, lay in the log in. After combing code (one of the things I abhor the most) for more than two hours, I determined it was not me (as in my coding), M3, M3’s theme or M3’s plugins which were the problem. The information WP was sending to M3 about who YOU are was the problem.

Do not feel singled out. It was sending the same screwy information about who I am to M3, which was causing me problems posting and commenting back.

For future reference…

In the event you ever have the slightest problem accessing any of the 550 current pages, or any subsequent page, of M3, please let me know. Comment on a post or send me a message. You can use the Ask Momma feature to let me know or (in the event it does not work) send me an email.

The entire point of coming to M3 is to enjoy yourself. Slow loading and broken pages are counter-intuitive to such enjoyment.

Check out yesterday’s posts…they should be working now.

Writer’s Spotlight: Karen Jourden (an M3 first!)

Fast Forward (This is just fun!)


I am eternally grateful for the time and efforts you put into M3. Your interaction with the site and its authors is tantamount to its success. Thank you for all you do for M3.

Red Signature

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on Momma’s Money Matters
is expressly forbidden.
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in The Office. 
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  1. I did have a bit of trouble getting M3 to load… either yesterday (or the day before… can’t remember which now), but it worked perfectly for me today, Red.
    spilledinkguy recently posted..Chica del SolMy Profile

    • It will load a mite slowly for the next few times you visit because I intently dumped the site’s cache to keep the error msgs from showing from memory. Once you load it a couple times, it should pop without errors and without taking more than one second. I have load time back down below 3/4 of a second for where you are 😉

      Check out yesterday’s interview…since now it is actually accessible!
      Red recently posted..Writers Spotlight: Karen JourdenMy Profile

  2. Hi Red, I received an error yesterday, but today things seem OK, although reading the full post seemed a little slow!
    I’m getting used to these problems now… if at first it doesn’t work I try again later!
    Tom recently posted..EmbraceMy Profile

    • The first load will be a tad slow, as I dumped the cache for the site. It will take everyone’s computers a fresh load (which can take a bit), but after that, you will return to the load times I like…

  3. Testing testing…is this thing on?
    Bearman recently posted..Editorial Cartoon: Bully PaybacksMy Profile

  4. Yes I did have some problems on your Space but they were easily solved, well in the sense that I was able to kill off the freeze so to speak 🙂 lol

    Dontcha just hate it when the page freezes on a Space you visit? 🙁 Not to worry though as there are several ways of getting back home so no problemo 🙂

    I am pleased that you have fixed the issue, well found out that it was nothing that you did I mean, those glitches can be a pain to track down sometimes.

    No Problems On Here Tonight Though 🙂 😉
    Have a wicked evening Red and be naughty 😉

    Androgoth XXx

    • After the week I have had, I can guarantee naughtiness is on the menu! 😉

      • Well don’t be holding
        back in the pleasure zone 🙂 😉

        As if you ever would…

        Androgoth XXx

      • BTW –

        I voted that you should definitely write a book on Mantra poems, indeed why even bother to consider it my great friend? 🙂

        Your talent for the written word is exquisite…

        Androgoth XXx

    That’s all I gotta say …..xo
    Cat Forsley recently posted..Finding my Own Niche …. Cat Forsley ©My Profile

  6. Glad all is well now. Seems like the fun never stops.
    Derek Mansker recently posted..Summer: An Excuse to Get Closer to God.My Profile

  7. I’ve been around intermittedly therefore cannot comment on any errors. So far, so good, here (sort of).

    Sorry to hear some problems aren’t easily shot down and made to disappear. Hope all is well soon.
    Tess Kann recently posted..A Poor Man’s MealMy Profile

    • From the looks of things, this update may have fixed why everyone keeps finding their way into the spam filters…I sincerely hope so. There are so many bloggers this bug stung.

  8. I couldn’t access your site a couple of days ago, and yesterday after trying to comment, I got the 500 error.
    Binky recently posted..Cycle Of TimeMy Profile

    • Even with the error, the comments were going through…most of them at least. Apparently, the delivery of the site was 100% blocked by the login problem. I watched my stats fall off the bar graph for three straight days. Ugh.

  9. Never a dull moment? Well I belong here then..I had some sort of problem last week or ..what’s today..earlier this week? It wouldn’t load ..I mean it did but it to forEVer.. then it lost my comment..well that was probably me.. anyways..these are the things that make me a little apprehensive about the whole being your own entity thing…cool but..I have not a clue what you just said.. do you think I might have some issues 😉 did I answer the questions? I forget them sometimes when I am typing away…oh..there were none.. hee hee.. Love in Big Bold.. hang on LOVE Lizzie
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Gratitude is Not That Hard, Mid-Afternoon Mental MomentMy Profile

    • Actually, your comment went through. The error was loading the page after the comment. And it had zero to do with my site or my host…and 100% to do with WP login…Ugh. Tuesday was the day the site was totally screwy, and the massive complaining to WP got the bug stomped on Wednesday morning. Amazing what a few thousand really angry site owners can do when they crash an email server *grins* Much love, Lizzie, and I really want your opinion on the next post! <3

  10. Glad you got the issue fixed Red! Funny how when that happens we think it’s only our site… Wow, over 500 posts… you go girl!
    Christy Birmingham recently posted..Poetry: The Running VisionMy Profile

    • Thank you, Christy! Yes, there are more than 530 posts and nearly 30 pages here now. M3 has grown quite large. Working on a scalar model to help handle the load now as I redecorate certain pages around here…I know it is late for spring cleaning, but it is good to do! Glad to see you tonight! {HUGZ}


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