Flowers in the Sun

Having been behind all month, it is time to start the month on a great and grateful note. Tonight, we are going to look at some flowers growing in my front yard. Want to take the dime tour?

Sue Dreamwalker was blessed with quite a few awards in March. If you have not been to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary, you are truly missing out. She has touching and beautiful poetry, amazing art and uplifting messages. It really is a sanctuary against all the clamor of ranting and raving elsewhere in the blogosphere.

I owe her quite a large measure of gratitude. She passed along to M3 two of her awards, The Kreativ Blogger and The Sunshine Award.

Both awards come with the condition I reveal some secrets to you. Since the Sunshine Award has a standard set of questions, I can refer you to my answers for that award in Gold Stars. If you receive this award, you can get all the particulars for what you have to do there.

Ten Kreativ Facts

One: I am a bit of a shutterbug. I have more than 12,000 photographs in my house. This number is greatly diminished by a house fire which consumed almost as many. This does not include the pictures I have which are digitally stored. That number is a secret for another time.

War Paint

War Paint

Two: We take Halloween pretty seriously. It is fun to get dressed up and head out. And I am not above dressing the whole clan in a theme…or a tribe.


Queen-sized afghan

Three: I have crocheted nearly 1,000 pounds of yarn. I like to crochet and have made afghans which have been auctioned for charity and sold for a tidy profit.

Jolly Roger

Skull & Crossbones



Four: Beads are not just for jewelry.

Five: I am learning origami to entertain and confound the children.

Six: I baked a cake Friday, by accident.

Seven: I love to paint murals.

Eight: I created my first digital art in 1985, in basic, with more than 18,000 lines of code. It was a picture of Thanatos.

Nine: My favorite medium is charcoal. Yes, that is very telling.

Ten: When I cannot dream of what to write, I create something.


The following eight blogs are very creative. Some inspire others to create as well. Stop by and see what is in the Kreativ closets worth rummaging. Bloggers, you may have your choice of one, the other or both. The main point is for the M3 Readers to have a ball crawling over your creative, beautiful, hysterical and touching pieces. I know that is a lot to ask of one post, but you are, after all, creative!

Artsy Brain Fartsies (The companion to Running Naked With Scissors)

Best Bathroom Books

Liquor Store Bear

Madison Woods

Riatarded (Welcome back!)

The Task at Hand

The Waiting (She is currently creating a baby…we may have to wait on this one.)


I hope you have had a terrific weekend. Thank you, again, to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary! Have a great week and Happy April Fool’s Day!

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
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  1. see, now, some of these lists around the internet are ho-hum. Of course, I’d expect yours to be unusual. The 1,000 pounds of yarn is pretty wild, what was it twined with…lead? Gold? That’s enough yarn to make socks for everyone in China.

    And you don’t get to drop info like “I baked a cake….accidentally”. What happened your Easter eggs fell into flour and your kitchen burned leaving you with a cake on the counter? Details, please, ma’am.
    Barb recently posted..Kick-butt Women of LiteratureMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 2, 2012

      ROFL! The yarn is a lifelong pursuit. My great grandmother taught me to crochet. She was simply amazing. She crocheted a layette dress, hat and booties for every child in the family…considering she only had 26 grandchildren…and more than 100 greats…I inherited the prolific nature from her. An Average afghan is 6 pounds. And then you have to include the clothes, accessories, toys, filet, implements…it all adds up!

      I love you scenario! I had intended to make brownies. The children had tossed a box into the shopping cart, so I grabbed a box from the baking cabinet (the only one I saw…I do not like them.) I got out the necessary ingredients and cut open the package, only to discover it was not brownies, but cake mix. I changed the ingredients to include what the box directed (plus four more) and ended up with a layer cake instead of brownies. *sigh* Along the way I should have READ the box πŸ˜‰

  2. Congrats, Red!
    And… 12,000 photographs? That IS impressive! But then, so is a half a ton of crocheted yarn! Remember to lift with your legs!
    Charcoal is pretty sweet, isn’t it? The range of tones you can create with it is incredible… and those true blacks always read so convincingly, I think…
    spilledinkguy recently posted..Pyrus No. 1My Profile

    • Red

       /  April 2, 2012

      Charcoal is very expressive. Sometimes is it evocative of ethereal nostalgia and others bold definition. And the 12K is just the ones which are printed…not the ones I have shot for others, given away, never printed…I have more than 3,000 photographs from just my cell camera from last year. I only printed in the ballpark of 50 of them, but I have used most all of them in one way or another.

  3. Bear

     /  April 2, 2012

    How come I didn’t get cake?

  4. Hi Red, Thank you. Just by random I clicked onto the flower post as I scrolled down your home page, so I guess I was once again guided LOL… by unseen hands or I should have missed this post..
    I thought also I had subscribed to you new site but nothing came on email.. so I clicked the little box again and fingers crossed..

    Love your crocheting work Red, I Knit and do a little crochet work. and used to make dresses etc .. Love your Bead work too…. often wanted to have a go at that.. but I have too many Irons in the fire as it is LOL..

    I hope your Weekend was a good one, and not too many April Fools jokes played :-).. Thank you again for the write up about Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. Blessings sent you way to you and Yours ~Sue x
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Mediums~Natives~And Healers.My Profile

    • Red

       /  April 2, 2012

      Sue, I am looking into the email now…It seems there was a hiccup over the weekend in the subscriber. I am hoping it is sorted out now. Still scratching my head why this did not ping back to your page. I need to check the link again.

      Beading is fabulous fun. I did a set of bracelets (wrist and ankle) in Peyote stitch for a woman in California which were fabulous. I have been out of my beading habits for the last few months, but my muse has been calling as of late. I absolutely adore the tiny beads from which I make earrings and sculptures. I need to get the rest of the store room unpacked so I have access again!

      So good to see you today, Dreamwalker!

  5. Congratulations on your fine Awards Red and guess what? I like the Skull and Crossbones, actually you are quite the creative genius, and your creativity seems to have no boundaries as you venture forth with all these excellent pastimes, your Crochet work is delightful by the way, and as soon as you have the Origami sorted out I think that you should offer a posting with all the wicked projects you have mastered. πŸ™‚

    Well I only said πŸ™‚ lol
    Have fun now Red πŸ™‚

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  April 2, 2012

      I might do that. They got me started by asking me to make them an envelope for a note to send to their grandmother. When the paper I returned looked like a real envelope (not a tape job), Little V wanted me to make something else. Now, she is in the mastery stages of boats (which I can now make in my sleep). Next, we are going to move to birds πŸ˜‰

      • Hey I used to be able to do a bit of Origami and when you pulled the underside the wings were animated, well sort of in an up and own fashion, but don’t ask me to make you one as I have long forgotten the art of folding paper πŸ™

        Did you know that you can only fold a piece of paper seven times no matter how large it is? πŸ™‚ Well that was a bit of useless trivia but every little helps πŸ™‚ lol

        Have a wicked evening Red πŸ™‚

        Androgoth XXx

  6. Is there anything you don’t do? You must live in a time warp or something to be able to do all this.
    Binky recently posted..Cosmic InsignificanceMy Profile

  7. That kitchen accident might have made some cookie-charcoal if it was planned better. “:)))
    Raymond Alexander Kukkee recently posted..Political Sanctions: Punishment for Voting DemocraticallyMy Profile

  8. Congrats on the awards Red!

    • Red

       /  April 4, 2012

      Thank you, Wendy. Good to see you this morning. Any chance you came here via an email I sent about an hour ago??

  9. Congrats on the awards Red! Sue’s blog is wonderful, I am constantly inspired by her writing. Have a terrific day!
    Christy Birmingham recently posted..Friendship Is A WorldMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 4, 2012

      Thank you for stopping by today, Christy! Sue does have some beautiful things all over her blog. Then again, so do you!

  10. You are a truly amazing person Red!!! πŸ™‚

    You make this paranoid schizophrenic feel soooo inadequate…

    Love and hugs always!

    Prenin recently posted..Tuesday – I get horribly depressed…My Profile

    • Red

       /  April 4, 2012

      Oh, pish tosh. I have many good supports and resources. I have to be responsible enough to use them…


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