All posts tagged amwriting

Apples and Hand Grenades

hand five fingers

If you have looked into the lantern at least three times (possiby less), you know the music from Mantra is varied and has the capacity to be melodious or cacophonous with as much likelihood as it being in a meter which is scarcely to be discerned.

Welcome back!

absinthe fairy

Hello, my most beautiful and intelligent followers! Did you miss M3? I sure did, especially for the last 72 hours…

Flashes of Sanity 30

flashes of sanity flash fiction

Fight or flight…

Flashes of Sanity 29

flashes of sanity flash fiction

“I said, ‘No.’” Gretchen pushed the trolley down the aisle away from the flailing toddler on the floor.

Flashes of Sanity 28

flashes of sanity flash fiction

Deadline approaching!