Right Turn, Clyde! Clyde can even say the motto heard most often in Maison de Dwyer: Specificity is the rule. You may even recall it is the only real rule here. If you were not here seven years ago, the rule has not changed: Specificity is the rule.
Ask the right question
Clyde on Sabotage
Orangutans are a lot like humans when it comes to predators: They have nearly nothing to fear. Although others may be stronger or faster, they possess faculties to escape becoming prey. Us? Not so much.
Trinity of O
When we spoke of bullets in the line, the subsequent conversation led to the identity of a trinity available at all events. Grab a cuppa and snuggle in for this week’s Saturday Evening Post.
Saturday Evening Post: Not My Way
I am all for naked cats.” ~ Red Dwyer
SEP: What You Want
Saturday Evening Post time, so grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. The fans are on high to chase away the evening heat. Children tell you what they want as a matter of need. Without telling you what they want, they have no chance of getting it. Wise words these: If you never ask, the […]