I want to divorce the human race.
Straightjacket Defense
Resolution Sex
Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a single time the answer to my societal problem was sex. Not.one.time. You?
No, Pank You… A Top Ten
For the upteen-hundredth time, I have been asked to be a teacher. At some point, nearly everyone who sees me more than twice realizes every time I engage with the public, someone learns something. Years of experience and exposure means I have a lot to share with anyone who is willing to listen.
Clyde on Sabotage
Orangutans are a lot like humans when it comes to predators: They have nearly nothing to fear. Although others may be stronger or faster, they possess faculties to escape becoming prey. Us? Not so much.
Not Worth It
Have you ever been talking to someone and realized not a single word coming out of your mouth is getting past the eardrum? Me, neither.