All posts in category Parenting


two asses

No one consciously wants to be an ass. Regardless, each and every day people assume.

Not Worth It

hearing aid

Have you ever been talking to someone and realized not a single word coming out of your mouth is getting past the eardrum? Me, neither.

Mirror, Mirror

Everyone wants to feel as though they are important, at least to one other person. How one projects the desire could make or break a friendship.

No Bread Please

blue steak

In terms of people skills, I am decidedly lacking in the eyes of corporate America on the basis my sandwiches have no bread. Let’s examine my deliberate lack of carbs.

Clyde on Grammar

Grammar Nazi

His skepticism is due in large part by the systematic assassination of the languages humans use to communicate. Social media, blogging and text messaging have been hung with the largest portion of the blame for horrific grammar. Clyde thinks the blame is misplaced.