The Alumni Club

As The Green Room has grown, many bloggers have come to add their links. Much fun has been had in the comments. During the move, one disturbing thing did happen. The ratings for the blogs were lost.

Gold StarWhile the ratings take time to rebuild, take a look at the Alumni. These are the blogs which had reached five stars before the M3 migration. They are presented in the order in which they first appeared in The Green Room, as any other attempt to organize them has failed.

If you would like to be added as an alumnus, rate and comment in The Green Room. As blogs reach five stars (five thumbs up), they will be transferred to The Alumni Club. You cannot get here without leaving a link in The Green Room.

Comments count toward Alumnus status! Comment on your favorite blogs in The Green Room. Help others decide which blogs they will enjoy.

You are the reason blogging is so much fun. 

Conny Manero

Under the Toronto Sun

Voice of an Angel

Feline Corner

9 to 5 Employment & Unemployment Stories

Alexandra Heep

A Heep of Everything

Gracie’s Sunflower Patch

A Heep of NASCAR

Grant A. Helms

Rants and Raves

Raymond Alexander Kukkee

Incoming Bytes

Julie Helms

Wooly Acres

Eric Kobb Miller

Spittoon’s Saloon

Rogers Grubbs

Books by Roger

Dr. Theodore Homa

Archimedes’ Claw


Articles of Absurdity

A Dose of Justice

Antigone’s Clamor

Antigone’s Clamor

Angela Young

Do you mean what I know?

On Faith and Life

Creativity and the Creator

Rhonda Meadows

A Scarlet Rose

O.K. Kinderhook

Images of Inspiration


New Mommy Confessions


Random Thoughts

Glory Lennon

Violets In Bloom (novel in progress-Mondays)

Glory’s Garden

An Ever Fixed Mark (novel in progress-Fridays)

Glory’s Stories (shorts on Saturday, guest stories welcomed)

Glory’s Novellas

Boy Mom Blogger

The Boy Mom Blog

Andro Goth

A Ghoulishly Exciting Read…


Before Morning Breaks

Momma Be Thy Name

Momma Be Thy Name

Heather Solos

Home Ec 101

Marc Babineau

Things I Think I Thunk

Marc Babineau’s Hubs

Relevant Rock

Monti Rock

The Vlog


Stuff Jeanne Says…

Stacey Davenport

Unsettled Sentience

Kim Sisto-Robinson

My Inner Chick Badge

Doreen Martel

Freelancing and More

No Scam-Work At Home

Valentine Logar

QBG Tilted Tiara

Valentine Logar Political Hubs

September Lynn Gray

September Gray

Scribbling Hermit

The Scribbling Hermit

Laurie Childree

Odds and Ends of a Wondering Mind

Totsy Mae

Totsy Mae

Christy B

Poetic Parfait

Rachael Black

Yo-Yo Dyne Propulsion Labs – Reno Division


Fifty-Four and a Half

Tom George

Internet Billboards


Arigna Gardener

Deb Adams

Adams Art


Taking Candy From a Baby

Alana Seigel

Olivia Hart Books

Linda Ann

Nickers And Ink

Practically at Home

Derek Mansker

No Throw Aways

Liquor Store Bear

The Liquor Store Bear


Wrap Cloth Writings


Not Quite Old


Let’s Cut The CRAP!!!

Sue Dreamwalker

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Mike Williams

Saturday Sunshine

Monday’s Muse

Tony McGurk

The Tasmanians


Dragoney Story

Rogers George

The Writing Rag


Friggin’ Loon

Wendy Reid

Wendy’s Wicked World

Muddled Mom

Mom in the Muddle


Susan Writes Precise

Tony Powers

Barking In The Dark


Live Clay

Aqua Tom

Me! Me! Me, Me, Me!

Binky, Fraz, Twink & Winky (The Wombies)


Lizzie Cracked

Running Naked With Scissors

Artsy Brain Fartsies

Lauren Scott

LScott Poetry

Cat Forsley

My Life So Far…in Words — Music –Poetry

Soma Mukherjee

Prose, Poetry & Lambretta

Patti Hale

How to Find Work at Home



Bearman Cartoons

H.E. Ellis

(insert pithy rejoinder here)

MJ Joachim

Lots of Crochet Stitches


The Chatter Blog

Lisa Neumann

Sober Identity

Gail Thornton

Gail Thornton’s World

The Heretic

Words From The Heretic

Ocular Manifestation Maelstrom

Dead Eye

James Dotson

J Dotson Cartoons

Granny Gee

Happy Colors

Ginger Snaap

Ohmygawd, Just Do What I Say!

Linda Vernon

Linda Vernon Humor

Jaymie Shook

Snacks for Max

Samantha Light-Gallagher

Crazy Courage

Sage Doyle

Sage Doyle

John Phillips

Is It Possible to See It All

The Real Canadian Music Blog

Enchanted Seashells

Confessions of a Tugboat Captain’s Wife



This page will be updated as new members join the ranks of the alumni. Happy Reading!

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