Red was icing a tray of cookies in the kitchen whilst Claret was pouring cocoa into mugs. She wondered who was coming to the Coffee Shoppe today who would want cookies in the shapes of mouths and eyeballs. When the wind howled through through the dining room, Red knew Mark Roush was in and wondered […]
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Writer’s Spotlight: Mark Roush
Writer’s Darklight

Red came through the door and was surprised to see two figures, but it was just Gail Thornton and Claret in the Coffee Shoppe. Claret poured rich espresso for the two of us and set out some chocolate crullers. Red pulled up a chair and took a sip. I couldn’t wait to ask her all […]
Writer’s Spotlight: Liz Campbell

Red came out of the kitchen with a huge tray. The blueberry scones were in the shape of a butterfly. She set it down to shave white chocolate into a white-white mocha whip. Claret knew from the flock of butterflies on the patio who was coming today. The to-do list said: Butterflies, babies, fast food. […]
Writer’s Spotlight: Gail Thornton

Red pulled a tray of shortbread cookies out of the oven just in time to hear the bell on the door toll for Gail Thornton. Claret was whipping cream to top off the dark mocha because Red wanted to talk to Gail about making a folder full of poems into a book and getting into […]
Writer’s Spotlight: Re-Red

Popping in to the Coffee Shoppe at M3 – well, there is Claret, but where oh where is Red? She is not so easy to track down these days with her grueling schedule getting Redmund Productions live, but I have come at a lull between the hustle and bustle as the mission is accomplished, and […]
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