Want to go on a little journey? Let’s take a 30-day trip. Just you and I. And anyone who wants to find out more about themselves and everyone else in the process. I have us scheduled for departure on 01MAY13.
This blog hop is not confined to any particular time period. The great thing about it is if we revisit this tourist destination in another year, we may come up with some vastly different results.
If you are game, click on the picture and download it, so you have the guide map on your computer. Or you can check back here to see it. Either way, if you are going to post it on your site somewhere, you need your own copy.
I picked this blog hop up from my friend at Running Naked With Scissors, the inestimable Lizzie Cracked (Never Broken). Not much of a rule follower (See her book! She has a chapter called Rules Smules!), she condensed her thirty days into two. Any way you want to cook the soup is fine.
If you pick this up, ping me here so I can come see what your answers are. I will make you a permanent link on this page. Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy what I will reveal… and why.
Happy Hopping!
Hashtags: #30daychallenge #blogging
Laurie from Odds & Ends of a Wondering Mind took the challenge.
Wendy from Wendy’s Works took the challenge.
Day 1: Five Ways to Win my Heart
/ May 1, 2013Um I can’t do a ping. Do you want those to go to the SIB?? or am I just adding to your to do list for you??
Red of M3
/ May 1, 2013LOL! Make another comment. Change your blog. (You misspelled it.) The post will attach by CommentLuv. <3
/ May 1, 2013Hmm, maybe I should change it to something I can spell.
Laurie recently posted..Five Ways to Win My Heart
Red of M3
/ May 1, 2013*giggles* I added you to the actual page. Are you going to put a tag for it in the side bar or on the menu bar?
/ May 1, 2013one of them, as soon as my mind comes back long enough. right after my house goes silent for five minutes.
Laurie recently posted..Five Ways to Win My Heart
Wendy Reid
/ May 25, 2013I would love to do this but I am unsure that I will have enough time to do it every day, especially if I go back to work.
Wendy Reid recently posted..Confessions of a Sex Freak
Red of M3
/ May 29, 2013Oh, do them one per week. You would have over half a year’s posts! xxx
/ July 17, 2013I’ m jumping this train…a little late ..however ,time is relative.
seablackwithink recently posted..DOWN : (The sun sets sinister)
Red of M3
/ July 18, 2013Link back here when you do day one so I can put you on the list above.