All posts in category Relationships

Resolution Sex

Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a single time the answer to my societal problem was sex. You?

Clyde on Sabotage

Orangutans are a lot like humans when it comes to predators: They have nearly nothing to fear. Although others may be stronger or faster, they possess faculties to escape becoming prey. Us? Not so much.

Not Worth It

hearing aid

Have you ever been talking to someone and realized not a single word coming out of your mouth is getting past the eardrum? Me, neither.

What do I see?

Sometimes, no matter how much effort we expend, objects in the mirror are precisely as they appear. No, they are not seen at an 85° down angle. They are blunt, frontal, unadulterated.

Mirror, Mirror

Everyone wants to feel as though they are important, at least to one other person. How one projects the desire could make or break a friendship.