To Quote Louie Kritski…

It worked before you broke it!”

(BLINKING WP!! Scroll to 4:44…mumbles something obscene…)

Never among the 650+ posts around The M3 Blog will you ever see me disparage learning what not to do. The last three weeks have been a powerhouse lesson in what not to do.

When I embarked on the launch of Redmund, I was shooting for a November 1 launch. In the 60 days which have transpired since then, we have found lots of ways not to do things.

In the last week, I and a few authors have broken a major piece of software which we need to have function if I am not going to have to add in the ballpark of 20 extra hours per day.

While delaying the launch was the absolute last thing I wanted to do, it will create a more ideal workspace for all of us in the future. Here are a list of the perks we get for waiting one month:

  1. A software suite tailored to Redmund Productions, which will handle most all of our collaborative needs by keeping everyone in the loop from purchasing software and/or compatible machines or using faulty (what a kind word) freeware which generates a massive amount of needless editorial work. (More on this in a bit.)
  2. The opportunity to relax some of this week’s deadlines for more collaboration. (More on this in a bit.)
  3. A nap.
  4. More WIP to be finished and launch with those on track for a 01DEC12 launch (possibly four more books).
  5. An extra week of beta testing for the bookstore (big plus).
  6. More time for proofing.
  7. More time for construction of the support portion of the site I was disappointed to have to forego to meet the November deadline.
  8. Time to establish a large portion of the marketing arm. (More on this in a bit.)

All to say, Val was right. She has been listening to me (searching for non-expletive) gritch about breaking software (which was not in beta), printing inconsistencies, inequitable platform requirements, disparate rights, failure of anyone not intimately acquainted with the publishing portion of the equation to comprehend the work which goes into a book, …Wow. I am doing it again.

Even Mantra is tired of hearing it. For an idea what the fairy is up to, you will need to go to my sister’s blog. She has decided to do something very different.


I am thrilled to no end to have gotten an app developer who is willing to incorporate Redmund needs into his software. We are going to build a powerful piece of software which will stand up to the rigorous schedule I keep. The developer was convinced I had given alpha notes rather than user generated bugs and operator errors. It helps, I was giving him suggestions for programming as I listed my issues, peeves and requests.

More, again

The collaboration efforts on the videos is amazing to watch! So is the progress in the Picture Perfect room, which is focusing on cover art. Time for a gratitude break:

You are the most creative, most talented, most amazing audience in the blogosphere!

If you have not been to the Redmund Forum…this is your official invitation!

More still!

Marketing!! I have a few days to sit on my hands until the software is ready, so I will be busy building the base pages for social media for RP. We are still a bit out from being able to integrate them to the main site, but they will begin picking up followers and expanding the RP reach.

I will need some of you who are on Pinterest and StumbleUpon to pitch in with some ideas and pointers, as RP will be reaching places M3 does not. Who wants to help RP be completely insidious? (Insert evil laughter.)


I never thought delaying this would leave me with a liberated feeling. What it has done is stir my creativity to make this even better.

See you in the comments and the forum!

Red Signature


(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. God’s timing?? It’s all Greek to me.
    Angela Young recently posted..The Power of a SmileMy Profile

  2. I love being right, especially when you say it.


    This will come to marvelous fruition and we will all raise our glasses in a toast.

  3. Did the video work before you broke it or is it just not working for me?
    Bearman Cartoons recently posted..Political Campaign Phone Calls CartoonMy Profile

  4. THAT is what I’m TALKIN’ about… that renewed sense of vigor and viminince (huh!?!?!?)…

    I’m on Pinterest, so I can even create a board called RP ((the full name, though)… that way anything that happens on RP I can pin to that board on Pinterest… I have a few watchers… enough to get some attention!!!

    I know how difficult the decision you had to make was, but, if I know you (and I think I do) you would NOT have been pleased with half-bum work and software and interface!!! Congrats on listening to your sister – I hardly listen to mine, either!!!


    BuddhaKat recently posted..Friday Fractal Feature, for shure…My Profile

    • I listen more than I give her credit for πŸ˜‰ You do know me well enough to know I am not going to be satisfied with half of anything…or even three-quarters. I will email you about the board. πŸ˜‰ Thank you.

  5. Here I sit in the corner office patiently lurking, Red, I shall put a Beta tin waste basket over my head, snooze, and should I awake early, eat cookies. Please beta on it with a stick to awaken me when the gremlins are gone and/or the gummy bears machine is empty, whichever comes first…”:)
    raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..Winding DownMy Profile

  6. Congratulations are in order, Red. The delay is being done to give Redmund Productions the attainment of the great vision you have had for it all along. I am even more excited for the scope and reach of the site and its potential! Thank you for your accolades on the collaborations on the projects in the Forum. I feel such a sense of community there, spearheaded by the one who brought me to my favorite blog of all time. Onward and upward! I’m smiling for you.
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Flash Fiction 3 – Hot FlashMy Profile

    • It is just enough freedom to expand during the waiting period. I am excited! And you are welcome. All of you are doing a wonderful job.

  7. You inspire me….. <3
    Candy recently posted..Something is Lurking in the DarkMy Profile

  8. When do you find time to sleep?!! LoL!!! πŸ™‚

    Lots of best wishes hun – no matter what happens from here on in it was WORTH IT!!! πŸ™‚

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Tuesday – events continue to advance.My Profile

  9. OK I got to wait a month? That means I may be able to finish the second book before then. I’ve got to get my social media together. I’ve got stumbleupon, I haven’t used it in a while. I wonder if I remember how. I have Pinwhatchamacallit, but I’ve only it once. I have G+ page that needs tweaking, and I guess I can do a FB page (not my personal profile, the other thing). I lost my point. OK back to reading and scheduling the kid’s afternoon torture, er, skills session.
    Laurie recently posted..Tuesday FTPMy Profile

  10. Holy catfish. On first reading, everything sounded Greek, but I believe I’m getting it: RP is the hive right where everything is juggled and put to rights? Where everyone involved is kept abreast of, well, everything. Even the fruits of labours behind the scenes will be available.

    Makes me think of a wine store where the grapes keep arriving. You can participate in stomping or pressing them, while others are labeling, bottling and crating. Or, you might be the customer out front picking what kind you’d like to take home.

    This is one huge and clever idea.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – SqueakMy Profile

    • You hit the nail on the head. I see absolutely no reason why authors and accessories cannot be part of the entire process. Some of the creativity going on right now in the forum is exciting to watch. Writers hate the solitary nature of a book because it This interactive process keeps the excitement and encouragement high.

      I am so anxious to launch, but I want things far more perfect than they are now, and I believe we will be there with bells on. It is going to be fun. <3


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