Saturday Evening Post

Venti LatteIn a week where I thought disaster was the norm, are you in for a wild ride? Since we managed a fire and a stabbing in one day, grab a cuppa, snuggle in and hold on. Clyde is primed. Let’s talk.


Thank you to everyone who joined in the active discussions Thursday and Friday. I love what I learn about you. It is time for you to hear it again: You are the most enlightened, intelligent audience in the blogosphere.


This week’s Wordless Wednesday was a blast! I adored and laughed wholeheartedly at the names you gave the fractals. If you have not, take a moment to drop some names.

The animals you found were fun. No one guessed the animals I saw. Look back at the first one. If you can find dogs or (broomstick) horses, you may better understand my name for it.

For everyone who did not cheat, my names for them were:

1. Derby Day

2. Before the Bow (That would be rainbow.)

3. Wanna B. Paisley

4. Eye of my Storm

5. Pigtails

I could see where your names came from; is it reciprocal?


On the list of things one should not do when preparing to sell a house, setting a fire in the kitchen ranks pretty close to the top. Apparently, Man Cub did not read the realtor’s quick guide to selling homes. He decided to put a towel on the burner with the kettle. The flames were pretty. The burns on the floor from getting the flames off the stove and into a position where they could be doused, not so much.


Any time a child is quiet in excess of five minutes, parents’ radar beeps loudly to signal the search mechanism. Such was the case moments after the fire went out when Little V made no effort to see what the commotion in the kitchen may have been about (or to report the sweet smoke filling the house). Commence search.

Usual spots all checked, I began with the neighbors. Widening circles, if you are unfamiliar with this drill. End search: Neighbor’s trampoline (Bacchus playing underneath). Ugh. Did I mention she has a trampoline in her bedroom? Yeah, see, I thought not.


Knife TipAs though the day had not already gone well enough, I managed to stab this >>>>

that far into my thigh. Once I got the UPS guy out the driveway, I butterflied it closed. To quote myself (to my nephew when he cut a 6 inch gash in his shin), it will make a cool scar. As of today, I am down to one butterfly. Yes, I heal quickly.

Any wonder why I just wanted to soak in the tub and go to bed? This all happened in the span of an hour.

Right Turn, Clyde!

Animals have no idea what complicated is. They wake up, look for food, socialize and sleep. Pretty simple existence. Or is it?

Each part of the day contains some peril or group of them. Looking for food may mean being part of the middle of the food chain and entail not becoming prey. Socialization combines the struggle for social status and maintenance of the same. Even sleep contains hazards: safety of nest, predators, interruptions by nature and companions.

When an animal wakes up to face another day, we see it as just doing what animals do. Humans do not consider it complicated. Why not?

Enter Ape

Humans face similar perils everyday. Why do you not identify with the search for food? (The answer is not because I own a refrigerator or because there is a Stop & Shop on the corner.)

Not devoting the appropriate amount of attention.

How many of you face danger at work? No? Even if your job is not dangerous, the commute is. Work at home? Most accidents occur at home. (No we are not going to talk about why this is statistically true.)

Then, there is the danger of food. How many reports have you read about how what you prefer to eat causes (bunk, BTW) cancer? Since our common staple is chocolate, we all know what that does to waistlines (when applied in excess, of course… as if there was such a thing as too much chocolate). What about all the microbes which drive mysophobes berserk?

After that, there is the dangers of too much or not enough physical activity after food. It is a wonder we eat anything.


The digital age has insulated us from some of the perils of socialization. Chances are good the guy on the other side of the planet who is really a FAB stalker will not be showing up on your doorstep… even if he is salaciously viewing your pictures. You have the power to block and/or delete cyberbullies. How does any of that mitigate what family will do to you?

It just so happens, those closest to us are the ones who denigrate us more than those who feel they have stature to gain by standing on our heads. After them, there are the friends of convenience, the lover du jour (whether we know it), the unscrupulous,  ladder-climbing colleague and the completely random street stranger with twisted intent.

Socialization is a cake walk, eh?


Right turn, Clyde.

Right turn, Clyde.

With the creatures who crawl the daylight, do we have any doubt why dreams border on nightmares more often than sweet fantasies? Rather than rest when the opportunity arises, we cram more work, more socialization, more hobbies, more entertainment, more exercise, more, more, more into the moments we should be relaxing. We run non-stop all day until our bodies scream, No more!

To mollify it, we coddle it with herbs, narcotics, more exercise or drive it to exhaustion with blue light. When we finally do put head to pillow, it is with a guilty conscience for all we did not accomplish or dread for the morrow.

So, we completely have sleep in the bag.

It is enough to make an ape wonder.

Until next time,Red Signature

If the animal kingdom has it down to its simplest terms, what is wrong with humans? Why the need to complicate things?

© Red Dwyer 2013
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  1. You get a whole five minute before the panic alarms go off with quiet kids? Last time shorty was silence for two I caught her trying to climb up my dresser, I’m just thankful the mirror is too heavy for her to pull. Unfortunately it is too heavy for me to move so there is no throwing it out. Although she has yet to set the house on fire….I’ve had grown men attempt to set houses on fire though, cooking drunk when home alone (blackened cabinets are not pretty); or turning burners all the way up under grease without telling the one actually cooking, and wondering why flames shoot from the pot. OH, guess I have had experience with children trying to burn the house down.
    Laurie recently posted..AnnouncementMy Profile

  2. I often wonder the same thing – why do we insist on complicating every darn thing… even or especially those that are best left simple!!
    Loved your titles – especially Pigtails!
    Apparently WP decided to fix the unbroken gravatar thing!
    And which fractal, which book?

    What a week, eh!?!?!? You’re lucky to come out of it alive, it seems!

    BuddhaKat recently posted..Alphabet Soup for F.R.A.C.T.A.L.S.My Profile

  3. Humans think a lot, probably too much about some things, and not enough about others.

    Sounds as if you had a very interesting week. I hope the coming week is much less challenging.
    Binky recently posted..Metaphorically SpeakingMy Profile

  4. it is true isnt it,we just love to complicate things, as Binky said we at times think too much, Assume too much. when in doubt ask as simple as that. We are champions when it comes to making report cards of others people, judge people by their appearances, by their accents, by everything they do or eat but when it comes to us we wonder why no one looks past the exterior…

    People are so much into reading in between that they are forever digging deeper for deeper meanings when the reality is just what it looks like…

    • I have a friend who is forever reading between the lines. I have to reiterate, “I say precisely what I mean.” Such a lost cause. xxx So very glad to see you in the ‘sphere, Soma <3

  5. I think your names fit perfectly. The stabbing, not so much.

    Sleep, we talk about this all to often. You need more, but haven’t perfected the ‘sleep on feet’ yet. You know there has to be some solution to the sleep, without guilt.
    Valentine Logar recently posted..DOMA DammitMy Profile

    • I have no guilt. Exhaustion I have. I am still working on the concept of sleeping on my feet. I have the basis begun. 😛 You would be proud of me. I shall tell you when we speak. xxx

  6. Given that Doug behaves like a child when drunk is it any wonder he set a fire in his flat then went to bed???

    I don’t need kids – I have neighbours…

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Saturday – WordPress gets bugs.My Profile

  7. This week was one of disaster. I agree. Next week I’m hoping my week upgrades to house fires (although a lost kid might give me a breakdown…we both you know are way more consistent than me)
    Candy recently posted..The Long WeekMy Profile

    • Word to the wise: Practice. (Before it is a necessity.) xxx Remember, I am at the other end of the line when you need me.

  8. You heal quickly indeed, I do suspect, Red.

    Your life is “too much” – by which I mean, I couldn’t deal with so much!

    Love your bit on socialisation 🙂
    Noeleen recently posted..A dark poemMy Profile

  9. If you were my sister and showed me that picture and told me the story of stabbing yourself in the leg I would say “why would you go and do that? Seems like a silly thing to do.” I would make sure she was okay and laugh.

    Oh heck. I instate the above comment as something I would say to you if I was standing next to you. It sounds kind of ‘cold’ in a blog comment. But it’s meant to shake off the frustrations of another crazy week/day/moment.

    Sounds like you went ahead and got a lot of things out of the way in one week. So you are owed a week or two of peace. That’s how that works. Right? 😉
    C. Brown recently posted..He Was A SonMy Profile

  10. Eek, what a day, Red! Hope you’re healing even quicker now!
    When you think about it, socialising isn’t really that much fun, all things considered! And as you say, nor is eating, exercise and sleep! Do we have anything left???
    Happy Easter, Red!
    Tom recently posted..Strange ThingsMy Profile

    • Yes, I have healed enough to not need butterflies any more. The joy of socialization is having a solid circle which does not require much ladder climbing or kicking others off the ladder. Hope you had a great Easter.


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