Day 13: In My Skin

Body image in this country is at what appears an all time low. Some people are shining a light on it.

Ginger Snaap, from OhmyGawd! Just Do What I Say! put up a documentary from Dove. (Link pops in another tab.) It shows how warped our opinions of ourselves can really get.

Knowing I still had not written this post, I knew immediately from seeing that video where this one was headed.

Survey says…

As I have gotten older, I hear others’ opinions of my appearance less and less. A number of the people from Day 11 make a point to tell me I am beautiful. It gets a warm, yet wry, grin out of me, and I blush. I do not argue though. The same holds true when a complete stranger tells me this. One did on Sunday.

IMG954347One of my beautiful daughters routinely laments not getting this or that feature of mine. I raise an eyebrow at her (one she thinks I should wax). When she was seen on a newscast recently, my friends picked her out before the station captioned her. My mother claims she fell from my nose…

No genetic intervention there.”

Long gone are the days when I was voted ugliest in my class. I did not argue then either. Why not? It is a matter of opinion. Yes, I am stalling. This post is supposed to be about my opinion.

Back When

The answer to the question has changed. In the past, I was far more concerned with the reflection I saw. Despite everyone around me with opposing opinions, mine was terrible. It took years for me to stop seeing in the mirror what truly was not there.

Even though I know better, every once in a while I still see something in the mirror no one else does. Those times are getting further apart. I know the box the package comes in gets thrown away.

Now I say…

fresh facedI am comfortable with my appearance. Comfortable enough to be fresh-faced.

I have the occasional handful of pounds I would like to drop. I get determined, and I do. This often coincides with events where I would like to wear certain attire, of which I do not approve unless my figure fits inside appropriately.

I see the grey hairs. I cover them up. (Never pluck them. Seven more grow in their place.)

I have wrinkles. I earned them. I laugh often and have huge dimples. After spending 25 years having to show my identification to buy wine, it is nice for the teenager not old enough to sell it to me to no longer ask.

There is little about my appearance I would change other than my teeth. Given enough time and a sufficient number of trips to the dentist I found who has listened, I will have that all pulled out. No, not straightened out. I did the braces thing in high school. I cannot keep my teeth, so I am getting ahead of the game.

What I would change, however, is the damage on the inside. It will require a wand. Medical science is not prepared to repair what is beneath the skin.

My 43rd birthday

My 43rd birthday

Not too bad, if I do say so.

Are you comfortable in your own skin?

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  1. Wonderfully honest and raw post, Red. I appreciate knowing I’m not the only one who struggles, or has struggled, with image vs. interior. So much pressure in this youth-oriented, male-dominated culture. I look forward to the day when we see a commercial on TV that features a man twirling around in his Speed-O wondering if it makes his ass look fat. Or his back hairy. Or whatever. Actually, I don’t long for that day, I long for the day when no one really cares.

    • I like the second statement better. I want no one to care. In my utopia, we would all eat and live healthy and not worry over such things at all. So very glad you stopped by, Laura. xxx

  2. You are so lucky to have reached that point in your life Red, when you are comfortable with who you are. I am not there yet. One day. 🙂 xo
    Wendy Reid recently posted..FTP – Wine – 50 wordsMy Profile

  3. Red you are so lovely Fresh faced! I am 59 and My photo was taken last year.. So yes I have a few grey in my natural hair, I don’t dye, I figure when I go grey I will do so gracefully .. I do pluck out the odd one though I have to admit.. So will look out for the other half dozen that grow in its place! …

    Being comfortable in our own skin is what matters.. I feel sorry for those who are constantly wanting to change their appearances and who spend a fortune on painful surgery … Crazy … I think yes plastic surgery if you have need like burns or an accident.. but some take it to the extreme..

    Red you are special on the outside and special on the inside..
    Keep being You! (Hugs) Sue xx
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..A Major Oak ~ Medieval DaysMy Profile

    • Oh, I have been grey since I was 16. Dye is a way of life in my family. We all grey inordinately early. I agree with you about plastic surgery. It has its place, but should never become a fountain of (assumed) youth or a hobby. And, blush, thank you. xxx <3

  4. You realize there are things you can still prop up, while others will go south no matter what, and sooner rather than later. Comfort in your own skin is one less stress to manage as life takes it toll.

    Bravo, Red. I wouldn’t have thought you were anything other than what and who you are. Lovely photos. You still got it and your daughter is a chip off the old block.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Butt OutMy Profile

    • They all look frighteningly like me. I cause fewer wrinkles by not worrying about it. Stops the vicious cycle in its tracks 😉 xxx

  5. She looks just like you.

    I usually listen to my mirror. It tells me I’m hot as hell.
    Laurie recently posted..Day 13: I am comfortable in my own skinMy Profile

  6. You look great. For a long time I stopped wearing necklaces because it drew the eye to my crepey neck skin. How did my skin change? I’ve started saying to heck with it and wearing them again. Just when I get used to having no eyebrows, something else changes. Life has a sense of humor doesn’t it? Wonderful post.

    • Mine is going to crepe, and I know it. My defense? Wear better necklaces. They ooh and aah over the necklace and never notice 😉 I am so glad to see you! xxx

  7. Not looking in a mirror also helps. Well, sort of.
    Binky recently posted..Best Food FriendMy Profile

  8. This was a wonderful post Red.
    Perfect timing: Am currently doing a lot of body image work with my sponsor. Always loathed my looks, weight and everything but the hot legs.
    Used to be proud of the rack, until gravity had it’s way with me.
    Great pics my gorgeous friend!
    Love you and your strength.
    Remember: what other people think is not my fucking problem
    Rachael Black recently posted..Happy Day, You Mothers!My Profile

  9. There’s something incredibly sexy about a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and the confidence that comes with it.
    El Guapo recently posted..A Message From The Fool Of FridaysMy Profile

    • I have an extra trailer for the confidence. And a firehouse just down the way, just in case. 😉

  10. Great post Red. I am comfortable in my own skin, and couldn’t keep my teeth either. I’m proud of my smile now and not the least bit secret about it. When I look in the mirror, I know where the sags and lines come from. Some from laughter, some from hardship. The rest from age and gravity. The extra pounds I have are hard on my joints so I struggle to get them off and keep them off. It’s so ironic, when I was young I felt disgusting, now I feel beautiful.
    Gail Thornton recently posted..ForkMy Profile

    • I found out early enough I could enjoy my girlish self and I really really really enjoyed my pregnant self. The one thing I should have done which I did not was progression pregnancy photos. Apparently, I was one of the only ones in my immediate sphere who liked the way I looked. I found it odd because complete strangers thought as I did. xxx


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