Yesterday was uber blog hop day, what with the spotlight and the widow’s blog hop, so again, I missed Wordless Wednesday. Here is hoping this makes up for it!
I want to talk about titles, so it may be a good thing I missed the Wordless part of the hop.
Since this is the last Wednesday-ish before Chinese New Year, I want you to see what happened whilst I was fractaling.
Okay, okay. I get it. You do not see what is so Chinese New Year about it. Sure, the white circle could look like fireworks…if you squint. That is not what I am seeing. See those two bubbles with something in them? One is a…
Tilt your head just a little to the right. See him? And the other one is its own little fish bowl. Who does not love the bridge over the…
I adore koi, When I was a teen, my mother installed an ornamental fish pond (Who am I kidding? Daddy and I dug the hole.) off the front patio. While she had some vanilla koi, most of what she had was butterfly koi. They are the ones with the brilliant, shimmery fins, like Clio from Pinocchio.
This particular fractal reminds me of an animal I added to her pond. I got her a giant, blue-eyed plecostomus which looked like a throwback to the Mesozoic Era. He was seriously cool. Unlike aquarium plecos, he was nearly eight inches long when we put him in the pond. He had a horned back like a horseshoe crab with a big sail.
Gail Thornton
/ February 7, 2013Hi Red! The fractals really do look like Chinese New Year to me! I love koi too. My Chinese zodiac animal is the sheep, and my element is earth. I am Yin. My projected forecast for this year is success in career, and an affinity for the arts. My horoscope cautions me to be modest 🙂 This has been fascinating, and the attributes of the nature of my character according to the Chinese zodiac are much closer to who I am than other horoscopes I have read, Thanks!
Gail Thornton recently posted..Winter Flash in the Pan – Available Now!
/ February 7, 2013I will be revealing more about the zodiac soon. It will be fun 🙂 …and enlightening for many! xxx
/ February 7, 2013Hi Red… just popping by for my annual visit! (Or so it seems!) Love the fractals, especially the dragon! I like dragons!
I received an email today that reported your demise, which shocked me into realising that I haven’t been around, once again, in a while. I don’t check emails very often, which is probably why, but I am still working on a way to ensure I visit the blogs I follow more frequently. Anyway, back to you… I hope you are well, and I misread the email totally.
I’m a Monkey, apparently, and an Earth one at that. I like people-watching and am easily confused… which is true!
Hope you have a good night, and I’ll see you again soon. I will! 😉
Tom recently posted..Offa’s Wheel
/ February 7, 2013So glad you made it! Monkeys are inquisitive 😉 When you get a chance, click the fractals tag. There are a few series around here.
Bearman Cartoons
/ February 7, 2013vanilla koi? I LOVE Vanilla. Tastes better than chocolate
Bearman Cartoons recently posted..Etch-A-Sketch Memorial
/ February 7, 2013I will tell your waitress 😉
/ February 7, 2013Have you ever considered getting help for you problem, Bearman?
Binky recently posted..Reality TV
Gray Dawster
/ February 8, 2013I think he has a big problem 🙁
/ February 8, 2013Do we need another 12-step program?
John McDevitt
/ February 7, 2013I usually don’t monkey around with the Chinese Zodiac. Wood I? Sure I yin do that.
Neat fractals. I envisioned motion and some magical creatures being born. Am I a magic monkey or a muggle monkey? I’ll ask Harry.
John McDevitt recently posted..High Contrast Play
/ February 7, 2013Magic. Definitely magic *giggles*
/ February 7, 2013I thought the first one looked more like planets or comets.
Binky recently posted..Reality TV
/ February 7, 2013It does, but I saw the dragon and koi immediately!
Carl D'Agostino
/ February 7, 2013and I thought the original evil eye was scary !
/ February 7, 2013LOL!
/ February 7, 2013Do you hear me squealing in delight at the basic plastics? I love this style and you have proven your mettle, once again!!!
I always thought I was a Tiger, hence my cat passion, however, apparently I am an Ox, which makes sense – I am obstinate and loyal as, well, as an ox!!!
Keep up the great fractal work, Red. And you see why I like titling them? It’s so cool!!!
BuddhaKat recently posted..Finding the Found Long Lost Friday Fractal Feature…
/ February 7, 2013I never would have pegged you a tiger…ever. LOL! This way one I was creating to be something very different. I had to stop here just from what I found in it. I know it spoils the fun to tell ppl what to look for in them, but this one was too clear to pass! xxx
/ February 8, 2013I absolutely LOVE how you played with them!
So, I guess I am an Ox. And you? A Rooster, I believe?
BuddhaKat recently posted..Finding the Found Long Lost Friday Fractal Feature…
/ February 8, 2013Year of the Cock, yes. We will be discussing it in much better detail later 😉 xxx
/ February 7, 2013Hummmm…
I am a Cancerian Rat which makes me a bit of a motherly type apparently! 🙂
My weakness in for those born in the year of the Monkey who can twist me round their little finger! LoL!!!
prenin recently posted..Thursday – Shopping Day.
/ February 8, 2013Rats are very family-oriented. Not a surprise at all…and neither is the crab 😉
Gray Dawster
/ February 8, 2013I agree with Binky of Wombania, to me they are likened to planets but either way I like them and you are enjoying the fractals so keep up the good work. I am just imagining you and your father digging out that fish pond now 🙂
Lizzie Cracked
/ February 8, 2013monkey?
no really i think i am a rooster.. i dunno anything else chinese about me cept i like eggrolls and noodles..
cool fractals.
Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Gazing at the Moon
/ February 8, 2013You and I both are Yin, Earth and (Rooster) Phoenix. We will talk more about all three of those in a few days 😉 <3 xxx