Is Narcissist Better?

It seems my inbox is my new boxing ring. Settle in with some popcorn. This one is going to be fun.

You are such a narcissist!” 

An articulate woman from Britain hung me with this moniker. Is that better than “snob”? I am not quite sure.

Her beef was with my post about birthday celebrations. In her estimation, no one in the blogosphere cares anything about anyone’s personal anything. All of you stream-of-consciousness, slice-of-life bloggers take heed…no one will read your work. And she “knows about these things”.

She also took issue with its title as being unnecessarily profane. Who thinks I should put an adult warning on this blog?

Can I get a show of hands?

There is nothing green about you!”


Now, my blog may not be dedicated to green living, but my inner circle inhabitants know I am the recycling Nazi. A man from California who owns a “greenmobile” (Idly wonders if that is an official make or model) could not believe I would post such blasphemous rumors in my post Do you really want to plug that in? 

He lectured me for three paragraphs about how there are no cons to his “greenmobile” as it was “every drivers dream”. I asked him to send pictures and if he would like me to nominate him for a Green Award.

How’s that for a comeback?

You deserve coal in your stocking!”

Wow! A woman (?) from Scottsdale (AZ) is certain “Santa (?!) will fill [my] stocking with coal”, since I obviously am naughty for my post Thanks! I, um, love it?

Now, if I could take seriously a grownup (?) believing in Santa Claus, I may have been inclined to tell her I had an in with the elves.

But since I absolutely could not, instead, I chose to tell her I had penance to do to ensure the Jolly Fat Man would come laden with gifts he personally knew I would enjoy, as I had written him a six-page wish list with direct links to the correct products.

(Who me? Naughty? Who told? Checks [mental] list [of co-conspirators] twice.)

Rednecks shouldn’t write blogs.”

Although I admit my family tree looks more like a football play, I am no redneck. Apparently, a man in Connecticut is convinced by Thank ya. Thank ya, vury much. I am a died-in-wool, barefoot, “baby making redneck”.

Perhaps, he Googled me to find out I am from and live in the American South. I gather from his irate diatribe no one in New England bothers with the “ignorant formality” of saying thank you. Because I could not resist, I thanked him for his worldly advice which I would certainly put to good use if I ever “got loosa the South and got to his neck of the woods”.

(Lays odds who will take issue with “barefoot” first.)

And in what has to be the winner of the OMG Stupid Email Award

People like you are what is wrong with the economy.”

This winner hails from California, Silicon Valley to be exact. With people like me wasting corporate money and management payroll hours with “inane games”, like the one in I will NOT eat that., it was no wonder corporate America was bankrupt and slashing jobs.

Maybe, in Silicone Valley all of the parents agreed with me in Home is Where the Mouth Is: Except HIS mother. I answered his tirade with a largely polite (yeah, right) response.

Who am I kidding?

I sent him a laundry list of articles to help his unemployable butt save money, mind his manners and get a job.

One Final Note

I could regale you for hours with the stories from the touched, insane and downright hateful email, but alas, it is time to say goodnight. Instead, I want to thank you for reading another slice of life!


Did I handle these better?

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2011
Reblogging of this or any other post on Momma’s Money Matters is expressly forbidden.
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  1. awarewriter

     /  December 2, 2011

    I think you like to play with your prey Red. lol

    Wouldn’t it be fun if email clients had a toilet icon instead of a trash can? Pull the handle and whoosh, off they go into the sewer where they belong. Sound would be fun too.


    • I have yet to teach my dragon not to fiddle with them 😉

      And the imagery is wonderful. I am thinking a microphone in the bowl! Red.

  2. I don’t think of you as a narcissist. But rather examining the definition of narcissist those comments do reflect the most narrow intolerant views of traditional narcissistic personalities. They tend to see the world from a narrow usually extreme point of view leaving little room for other people’s opinions or points of view. Theodore M. Homa M.D.

    • I am continually in a state of awe when it comes to the narrow minded people who lurk on the fringes of my blog. The shame of it is, most come more than once and will repeat the performance. Thanks for coming by, Ted! Red.

  3. I am always amazed at how small minded and rude people can be. I am from Connecticut and I hope I don’t know the rude man. I am a new follower but I am quite fascinated with your blog and hope to learn from you as I consider whether to go live with my own Granny Nanny blog. I guess I will need to keep my sense of humor, get over myself and develop a thicker skin. Great responses.


    • Iz, I certainly hope you stay tuned. I am not going to reveal here the series beginning next week beyond telling you it will be of particular interest to you. The weekends here are fun and light-hearted. We take more serious topics during the week. Albeit, you will find my sarcastic humor throughout most everything I write.

      I hope you make yourself at home. Pull up a rocker. Drop a link to your blog in the Green Room. You will find many other really terrific blogs there as well. Red.

  4. This is why I aspire to be you. If I got email like that, I would melt into a puddle and cry at how ignorant people I don’t even know are mean to me. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ll take heart from you along the way. Great attitude, Red 🙂

    • Oh, Em, you seriously have to take the loonies with a pound of salt…well, wait until B gets here first. 😉 If nothing else, I can give you loads of comebacks for them. I am seriously considering the peepshow into my inbox as a weekly fixture. What do you think? Will it make for a fun Friday? Red.

  5. James Parsons

     /  December 2, 2011

    Red, you were excellent, bravo. Kick that arse and take no names. Way to stand up to those who think they know it all. Keep them on their toes. Great job Red!!!!!

  6. You know there are some really crazy peeps on the Internet and I have met a lot of them on my Space, well actually there has only been two Loony Tunes on WordPress but when I had my previous Space it was a regular feature, and my sword and shield were always raring to go 🙂

    Well some of those idiots that arrived and left with their tails between their legs were often like him from the Silicon Valley, yes a right Tit if I ever saw one (Hey Cheeky 🙂 ) and as for the other jokers that added their boring remarks to your postings, well they should go and get a life, I mean if they haven’t got the common sense on what makes a good posting then they should stick to what they do best and I can’t add that here as there are too many profanities in the mix…

    To be frank those fools wouldn’t know a decent posting if they fell over one on the Yellow Brick Road, well having no brains in their craniums seems a perfect explanation for those weird, indeed outlandish observations don’t you think? 🙂

    Anyway I can see that I am not alone in my thinking and that is that you have a worthy and most enjoyable Space in which to frequent so never mind all those ridiculous losers, and just keep posting your wickedly excellent postings Red and now that I have more time I will be here to read them more often 🙂

    Have a great rest of evening and pour
    yourself a nicely chilled glass of the red stuff 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Before I started answering my comments, Andro, I had already started a pot of coffee. Yet, I feel as if you have the far superior idea. There happens to be a very nice Merlot in the kitchen. Mayhap, I shall pour myself a goblet and call it a wickedly wonderful night as the witching hour approaches. I hope you have a fabulous Saturday, my friend! Red.

      • And I hope that you had a very nice goblet or three, it will have relaxed you me thinks? Well there is nothing quite like snuggling of an evening and sipping the odd wine or three, well there is but I won’t add it here so hard lines 🙂 lol Just kidding Red…

        Have a really nice rest of afternoon and evening 🙂

        Androgoth XXx

  7. Touche Red! If you ever need back-up, just ring the tele! Grant

    • You got it…in the middle of commenting on your post ATM, but the blooming tele rang…again…so I came to see what was on fire here 😉 Red.

  8. Ah, you found me, these ages later! I’m tickled. And a wee bit narcistic m’self. I determined that to overcome insecurities, perfectionistic anxiety, fear of rejection, and blah blah blah…. all writers must feign a bit of arrogance. And to have recieved so much feedback, even negative, is laudable. Kudos. Besides. You and I both know that behind the grizzly appearance, every momma bear is a teddy bear. 😉

    • I do have a uber-soft side 😉 Oh, if you only knew precisely how MUCH feedback I get. Some days, I think the elephants should be taken hide care recommendations from me! Do come ’round regularly! Red.

  9. If you are so am I. As I continue to work through the definition of direction I follow you and watch with awe (and gratitude). Of course my tootsies are firmly barefoot when in the clay of my backyard where they run merrily barefoot when not sheathed elegantly in my very expensive high-heels.

    Are you a narcissist? No, I am fairly certain you are not. But then I am also fairly certain most don’t understand the meaning of the word and simply wanted to use a ‘big’ word to impress you….did it work?

    • Truly, no. I am not impressionable. Nor am I narcissistic, nor am I a redneck (!). And I hardly have ego sufficient to believe I personally can have a global impact on the economy. Amazing, anyone could or would assign me such power, no?

      PS You were my bet on the barefoot comment.

  10. Ever think of doing a morning radio talk show? You’d be perfect!


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