Muse for Monday

It is only Monday. Why does it feel entirely appropriate to want to do nothing more than put my feet up? Mantra knows.

By a show of hands, who haunts a gym? No? Okay, so who has a torture device exercise equipment in their homes?

Better question: Is it a rack for laundry?

Mantra is under the impression all of that is money wasted. Every last penny. Not that fairies are in much need of watching their figures mind you, she think humans need a far more heuristic approach to the entire exercise phenomenon.

Slide Over is a look at the end of a muscle-building day.

At the end of your call there will be a brief three question survey. Your participation is voluntary, but appreciated.

Slide Over

Slide over, I want to sit down.
I’ve been on my feet all day.
Miles and miles and miles I’ve walked
Yet, never once left the house.
I deadlifted the laundry bin
Far more reps than is prudent.
Then, curled three dozen dishes
To the washer and cabinets,
Endangered a bunny species
And rowed out to Bermuda

With a broom, not a pair of oars.
Since you’ve asked, I will say,
When the babies’ naptime came,
I was quiet as a mouse.
Baking birthday cake from scratch.
I tested disinfectant
Where no one bothers to aim.
Won’t last very long, I bet.
Then, carpool, mail and homework.
So, don’t sit there like Buddha.

Slide over, I want to sit down.
I’ve been on my feet all day.


Are you a household bodybuilder? Which exercise do you do far too many reps? Is it really a laundry rack?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Cutting the grass, it requires walking and actual physical labor even with the easy walk. A new riding mower would be awesome. I got rid of all the exercise equipment, no room and the floors more comfortable to sit on.
    Laurie recently posted..Monday FTPMy Profile

    • I had the lawn mown today. It so needed it. Probably one more cut before the season ends. Then…I move.

  2. “Who haunts a gym?” LOL, after Wombat Day I’m guessing EVERYONE!!!!
    frigginloon recently posted..Umbrella vs ChainsawMy Profile

  3. I exercised my legs in my robe and slippers to walk from my door down the hallway to the mailbox today. It was all I could to to retrieve the package containing a dress a size larger than the others in my closet; a COMFORTABLE dress. A gym? Ha! Twenty years ago I tried high impact aerobics, and that’s the last time I followed a fad. It hurt! Now I’m off to have a sundae.
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Flash Fiction 3 – Hot FlashMy Profile

  4. I shoveled a couple of tons of wet sawdust onto a trailer today and then shoveled it off the trailer too. I don’t think I need any torture devices, I have a couple already called ‘shovels’. “:)
    raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..Winding DownMy Profile

    • I have a number of such devices myself. Some of the most torturous are called “mop”, “scrub brush” and the one electric one which is very effective…”vacuum”. *grins*

  5. Running from Hell with El

     /  October 22, 2012

    Love this. Found you over at Val’s digs.
    Running from Hell with El recently posted..Sleepless in VirginiaMy Profile

    • Welcome to M3. I hope you find more to your liking. Please stop by the Green Room (link in the top menu bar) and leave a link to your blog. Sis talks very highly of you πŸ˜‰

  6. Laundry is the most deplorable chore there is. You think you are done and there is more and then when you have a gaggle of kids plus 2 adults all who have 500 pairs of socks that end up being 352 pairs and the rest singles… I walked to my car…and then back inside. and sonething else that had me a little winded but I can;t remember what it was right now.
    Love and Hugsa
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Romantic Monday, Of Love and Love Lost; My Love BipolarMy Profile

    • I am convinced it is because aliens have an odd number of feet. They only need to steal one (more) to have a set πŸ˜‰

      • never thought of that – i know it bothered me enough I wrote a post about it one day… I always thought the washer did it.. but I can;t remember why. I didn’t know aliens have odd number of feet – that may be problematic for me.. oy.. or maybe I will just put out the odd pile.. yeah…
        Lizzie Cracked recently posted..BEMy Profile

        • When I refused to remove the oddballs to another room, they magically quit disappearing. Every once in a while, I dump out the bag to find the wayward socks have made their pilgrimage home to their mates. Truly touching. *giggles*

  7. lol i have seen someof the houses use it as a clothes rack… i have a exercise cycle and luckily we really use it for exercise..
    dusting,laundry running after my kid,well that does take a lot of time. i walk a lot so that takes care exercise
    But gottta tell you Red i hate Laundry,,its the most hated job and no one else does it. and now i have strted believeing clothes in my laundry basket have started reproducing so no matter how much i wash i am never able to get it empty. plus i have no idea what happens to the napkins and socks in the washing machine..may be its a portal to another world where mosnters like to wear one sock and use my napkins..
    Soma Mukherjee recently posted..October Festivals in India and Wombat dayMy Profile

    • You and I have a similar idea about socks (see my comment to Lizzie!). Can you imagine aliens with enough manners to use a napkin? ROFL! <3

  8. I hate exercise and now my joints are acting up even a walk to the Co-Op is a challenge, but much better than it was BEFORE I dropped 14 Kilos!!!

    The diet is a pain, but better than the alternative! πŸ™‚

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Monday – a trip to the Co-Op.My Profile

    • Diet can be painful, but in the end, it is so much better for your back and joints and heart and and and. πŸ˜‰

  9. Found you through Valentine. Love this one! I am a household warrior without medals. Laundry is a never ending battle for me, with 3 kids, a disabled mother-in-law, and very dirty handyman husband keeping me neck-high in unwashed duds. But the thing I hate most is dishes. No dishwasher in my old dusty house, other than me.
    amaya73 recently posted..The Benghazi Controversy, ExplainedMy Profile

    • I am so glad you came by to M3. Be sure to stop by the Green Room and leave a link to your blog. You are in good company with the non-dishwasher status around here. I know for me, it is as mandatory as a kitchen sink. The appliance for me which is optional in the kitchen is the oven πŸ˜‰

  10. I’m sorry – I’m hearing all this complainin’ about laundry… at least you have the washing/drying monsters in your home… I actually love to do laundry – even sheets and such, IF I didn’t have to lug them to the %*&$#@laundromat, which I can’t afford!!! So instead, I have to hand wash everything, a handful of pieces at a time and heaven forbid there’s a bedwetting incident or so!!! And towels – they are a grizzly bear, believe me!!!
    we all have our burdens, eh!?!?!?
    ah yes, that has really nothing to do with exercise, which is how I prefer my life too – there’s plenty of raising the pulse and the BP just doing the regular daily stuff, as y’all have noted!!!

    BuddhaKat recently posted..Friday Fractal Feature, for shure…My Profile

    • Handwashing towels is for the birds. Ugh. See more people agree with Mantra than not! πŸ™‚ She may have us figured out yet. {HUGZ} xxx <3


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