All posts tagged Pregnancy

The Hump Between Us

Tell Mate. Check! Tell bestie. Check. Tell parents. (Braces self) Check. Tell monster-in-law. Ugh. Check. Tell children. Shoot me now. Precisely how do you tell your children there is a (or another) sibling on the way?” Age appropriate information is the only way. Toddlers Toddlers have a grasp of language, knowledge of the word “baby” and […]

After Baby BFF

This post is dedicated to the pregnant women and their husbands and all the new mothers in the audience. Women seek out friends in times of stress. Why do your best girlfriends seem to change and the friendships fall apart when your baby arrives? The Tide Turns Your child has more power over your relationships than […]

Who Asked You?

“Words are so cheap, they have been declared free,” author unknown.

Top 10: What NOT to say…

…to a pregnant woman. With ten children, I have heard them all. And I bite back.