Where have you been?

When I opened the SIB today, I was greeted with more good than stupid. This is a post to let you know what the current situation is.

1. I am grateful for all the loving and worried messages.

I have been ill for the better part of the last week. It was not how I had planned on spending the working week of my vacation. Rather than answer you all individually, please accept my apology and this explanation.

2. Killing Us Softly is completely written.

It did not pass editorial muster about three weeks ago. Therefore, I had to begin from scratch, using the original manuscript merely as a crib sheet. For anyone who believes rewriting is easier, PFT. Having never been one to edit or rewrite my work, this was an horrific exercise in a book which I really did well to touch once, and nearly did not survive touching a second time.

Hopefully, this one will pass through the lens without more than technical issues. I am ready to lay it out and be finished.

3. First three done.

The first three of the Redmund Productions launch books are laid out. Initial edits are complete and draft proofs will be passed back to the authors by the end of the week. Here’s hoping that number expands exponentially over the week.

4. Out of touch for another week.

Since I was planning on being away from home and Internet connection this week, I will be away from the screen. I am reachable in all my normal ways, but my email response will be spotty at best. If you really need me, text or call. I have to catch up with all the work which did not get done last week.

5. Collaboration rocks.

The number of offers to collaborate are phenomenal. Yes, I am open to collaboration. Tell me more about what you would like to do. Also, let me know if you are willing to work with others who are equally excited. The video teams which could be built is an amazing pool of talent.

6. Beta readers at the ready.

If you volunteered to be a beta reader, pop me an email so I can send you a manuscript. Rules is Rules. No direct editing. All editorial comments welcome. When you email, let me know if you want Google Drive or Word. If you are so inclined (*giggles* like no one is *giggles again*), feel free to write a commentary when you return the manuscript. Do keep in mind, it should be book jacket ready and less than 250 words.

7. Thank you for being on time.

Thank you to everyone who had a 10SEP12 deadline. You all were punctual. If you have a 15 or 20SEP12 deadline, please do not submit early unless you contact me first.

8. Formatting.

While I appreciate all the work you went to to format your manuscript, stop it. You do not have the parameters for print, and the entire thing must be reformatted. No page numbers. Let me repeat that. No page numbers. Removing the page numbers you put in is a nightmare. Please, do not put page numbers in before you submit. If you have them now, please remove them.

9. Images.

The images which are submitted with your books must have a providence supplied with them. If you do not know what this means, keep reading. If you do, skip to the next number.

Photographs, art and images must be original (You took/made them.), must be commissioned and commercially released (You paid someone to take/make them and got a release to use them however you saw fit.) or must be readily identifiable as public domain (no trademarks, no wiki images or copyright must be expired).

10. I hope you are having a fabulous week.


How was your week whilst I was away? Wow! You had so much to talk about! Have you been enjoying the guest posts? Would anyone like to see an M3 feature where there is a guest post once a week?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available
in The Office. 
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    Cat Forsley recently posted..This week is already amazing – Cat Forsley ©My Profile

    • I am feeling much better, mon Chat Doux. There should be a package knocking on your door on Wednesday or Thursday. I would say Tuesday, because we are do close, but I am certain that would jinx any chance of you getting it quickly 😉 Much love <3 xxx

  2. Welcome back. Yes, guest posts rock.
    Alexandra Heep recently posted..What’s Your Chocolate?My Profile

  3. Feeeeeeeeeeel Better
    Bearman recently posted..Kermit Eating Pork: George Ford Guest CartoonMy Profile

  4. I’m lost that;s how I am… Sorry you are / were sick. I like the guest posts, once a week or every two weeks would be cool, give you a little bit of a break too right? Or more time to do other things ..or find the lost.. *sighs* I don;t know what my date was…
    Lotsa Love
    Lizzie 🙂
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..What is it about Buckets?My Profile

    • I am not so good at breaks because when I have them I get ahead. Did I mention I have all of my flashes written through the end of the year? *grins* I can always find you, Lizzie <3 xxx

      • Um I dunno if you mentioned that or not… 😕 no I think this is the first I knew of it but I am sure I assumed they were done…done? all of them til Dec? are the words posted ? all off them? ok… I won’t worry about being lost cause I’m not f you know where I am…I feel better.. 😉 I think I will go write some flash fiction now.. Muah!
        Lizzie Cracked recently posted..What is it about Buckets?My Profile

        • Yes, scheduled to post…more than 30 posts. I usually have about seven ready in advance, but with FTP, I got way ahead. I have about four of Mantra’s ready and a handful of others 😉

  5. I didn’t really worry since you said you were taking a vacation. I didn’t realize it ended up being a sick vacation. Hope you’re feeling better, now.
    Binky recently posted..True KnowledgeMy Profile

    • I actually am feeling much more in the pink. For some odd reason, when I say I will be away and I actually stay away, people worry. Since I got back online (I took more than a year off after my husband died.), when I am missing from social media for more than 24 hours, someone is calling or crawling in the inbox (because it goes to my tele).

  6. Dear Red,
    I didn’t know you were ill…..You taught me about sleep and the necessity of getting healthy sleep, which has been hard for me because I tend to drive myself until I drop. No more of that. I wasn’t worried, just hoping you were relaxing…..Now I’m hoping your next week IS relaxing, and even if you do work, it isn’t all-consuming. Don’t forget the naps! You and I are on the same page with that =)
    I LOVE reading the guest posts! A weekly post would be wonderful!
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Poem – Last Night’s DreamMy Profile

    • My failure to sleep is generally from being distracted. It is the same reason I do not eat. I get busy and never think about it. Have coffee, will work. The end. *grins* xxx

  7. I’ve been amiss at best in keeping up with my blog reading Red and wasn’t even aware that you were ill. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck with the work you have to catch up on. Try not to overdue it though! xo
    Wendy Reid recently posted..Flash Fiction – Ashes – 125 wordsMy Profile

    • Oh…forgot to mention that I posted another entry for Flash in the Pan…Ashes – 125 words exactly. 🙂
      Wendy Reid recently posted..Flash Fiction – Ashes – 125 wordsMy Profile

      • I saw the pingback. As I get caught up tonight before I go offline for a few days, I will post the link to that one and check, since I am pretty sure I saw that one as well, but fever prevailing, have no idea if I linked it for you. *sigh*

    • Muah! I am feeling quite a bit better. I am also uber thrilled to have the first three books done!! That means we are 20% ready for launch!

  8. you are such a hero, I would be pissed at you but decided I love you instead.
    Valentine Logar recently posted..What a Tangled Web, 2012 Part IIMy Profile

  9. Sorry to hear you got zapped health-wise. Sounds like you’re on the mend but hope you’re taking it easy. Guest posts might help YOU but guests are not YOUalthough of high calibre.

    I’m amazed at your accomplishments. I get winded simply listening to your forward drive.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Ego Takes a HolidayMy Profile

    • By all means, Tess, step on the coattails. I am on the mend, as in mostly pink now. I have scheduled better sleep for this week 😉 And I will be back in the saddle with all the posts soon. You will barely notice I am missing this week by the content.

  10. Glad you’re feeling better and not working yourself to death. 🙂 Although it really sounds as if you are. :blushing: I just figured out what SIB means. Wow, my brain is OFF!

    • Laughing literally out loud! Completely okay. I have days I look at my notes and wonder what some of my acronyms really mean. 😉


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