Flash in the Pan

Corrine watched as the lights flashed and listened to the booms. This was her favorite time of the year. She pointed into the sky and called for Joshua to look.

“Should I bring her a jacket?”

“A straight jacket. She has been watching fireworks for the last 15 hours. Since the funeral, she has been delirious. She thinks it is the Fourth of July. The snow on the ground would have snapped me out of it.”

Welcome to "Flash in the Pan"

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

Coming in on the nose of 75 words, this flash features the word delirious. This one wrapped up the month of November but was preempted for a post of more importance. Be on the look out for the December words in the next few posts to catch me up to where everyone else has been flashing.

If you are already flashing, you know the deadline is 31DEC13, at 2359 EST (GMT -5). If you have not already started, click on the Flash in the Pan page (just below the header image) to see the whys and wherefores.

Happy Flashing!

What is there about funerals which makes us lose hold on reality, even if for a brief time? What is your favorite holiday? Are you flashing with us?

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  1. Fifteen hours? I’d like to be at that fireworks show.
    Binky recently posted..Rocket ScientistMy Profile

  2. I think she’s better off seeing fireworks than the grim reality. Sometimes an alternate reality is just what we need.

    Gail Thornton recently posted..Prose – My Own Private Thanksgiving ParadeMy Profile

  3. This is brilliant flashing Red 🙂

    Andro xxxx

  4. After fifteen hours of watching fireworks, she’s not coming back. If this is the only way she is able to deal with her grief, who would stop her? Actually, whoever is paying thousands upon thousands for the display better wake up before the show breaks the bank. Ha ha. Love the other-worldliness of this one, Red.
    Tess Kann recently posted..HOT Flash – CrackedMy Profile

  1. Flash in the Pan: Delirious | The Wizard's Word

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