All posts tagged abuse

Muse for Monday


Too bad today was not Wednesday. Wednesdays usually determine what will be posted on Saturday. Here it is Saturday, which has no power to determine what should be posted on its own day, attempting to determine what should post on Monday. Can you see why it would be better if today was Wednesday and not […]

Insult to Injury

One of the least talked about forms of abuse is intellectual abuse. Most often thought of in terms of belittling one’s intellect to make them feel ignorant or shame them with perceived stupidity, intellectual abuse is far more varied than simple name-calling. It is a combination of both emotional and verbal abuse which targets the victim’s intellect.

Sticks & Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” For the record, this is a lie. Words are one of the most destructive weapons we use against each other. When you look closely enough, you can see the psychological bruises they leave the same way you see a black eye or […]

The No-Brainer

This week’s SEP put us back on our trek through the lives of Mate and Quaint. (If you have not been introduced, stop by their page to see about whom we are speaking.) One of the issues which came up in our discussion, and was evidenced by the poll in the post, was the basic […]

Saturday Evening Post

This has to be the feature I missed the most during April. We have a lot to cover before we get to Clyde, so grab your cuppa and snuggle in because the fans are blowing away the humidity and the mosquitoes. Here’s hoping it does not rain for a while, as we are going for […]