Wordless (After) Wednesday

Yes, I am making up for missing two months worth of these. Standard rules apply. (See yesterday’s post if you do not know how.)

Fractal Art






Fractal Art



Fractal Art

(Enlarge this one.)


Fractal Art


Fractal Art

(Enlarge this one, too.)

Thank you for playing along. After you comment, let me know if you were close to what I named them.

Hashtags: #fractals #art

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Which one is your favorite? How close did you get yesterday?

© Red Dwyer 2013
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  1. That was fun .. oh … there’s more!

    1) Who’s Looking
    2) Mysterious Ships
    3) It’s Show Time
    4) Twisted Logic
    5) This is Your Brain Thinking
    Frank recently posted..On Time – The Musical: Act 3My Profile

  2. wow…. oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!

    1) crosseyed
    2) the falling leaves, drift by my window…
    3) alien with attitude
    4) front load
    5) psssssssssss…

    BuddhaKat recently posted..A Lttle Byte o’ Wysdom…My Profile

    • A bit of a far mix this time. #3 made me laugh! You are going to have to tell me your thinking for #5. Are you thinking what Frank was thinking?

      • I know it didn’t come out the way I intended, did it… I was thinking along the lines of a hot metal planet…

        careful, using juliascope can be addicting… it makes for some interesting creature like images…

        I especially like your titles for both 3 and 4!!

        BuddhaKat recently posted..Faithfully FractalMy Profile

        • Someone in the FAB world said Emperial Bow looks like a ram. I had to look at it again, but I did see it. 😉

  3. The first looks like peacock feathers. The second like a sail boat, the third like a robot emperor with tiny emperors in it. The fourth like well, I’m not sure but I see a snakes head. The last one looks like the planets in a blanket.

    Gee, I got to start doing these wordless posts, I’d have less to write.

    • I love #3! Snake, huh? I love my wordless one. You know I have more than a load to say. Still, taking a break for something just visual every once in a while is just fun. xxx

      • I agree with you on that one Red, but then I always seem to make a meal of it when I start adding graphics instead of scripts 🙂

        As long as everyone enjoys them then that is what really counts and your Fractals are wonderful, I could comment on these all the time so I hope that you will be adding a lot more of these types of posts 🙂

        Andro xxxx

        • I shall be. I have more than a few pictorial posts around here with gobs of text to go with them. Funny. I can post something 2,500 words and no one basts an eyelash as long as it has plenty pix. 😛

  4. Cross-eyed owl

    Sailing ships

    Electic parade


    Deep space nebula
    Binky recently posted..Courage, Bravery, and ChickensMy Profile

  5. 1. 2 worlds colliding
    2. a woman dancing
    3. Cleopatra
    4. Cobra
    5. Lava

    My Inner Chick recently posted..9 Ways To Kick Blog AssMy Profile

    • Very cool ideas, Kim. Interesting… you see a snake, too. xxx Much love <3

  6. 1. Robotic sundaes
    2. Dhows on parade
    3. Before the curtain rises
    4. Spirit battery
    5. Spider’s den on Deneb IV, in the Greater Magellanic Galaxy

    I love #4, it has such lurking gravid potential…
    gigoid, aka Ned recently posted..Afterward, we’ll dance a merry jig….My Profile

    • I love #3 and #5. Very descriptive, Ned. Glad you liked these and very good to see you today.

  7. 1. Traveling at the speed of dark
    2. Crab and seahorse fighting over last slice of pizza
    3. What happens in Space Mountain, stays in Space Mountain
    4. Jellyfish from below
    5. This is your brain on tie-dye

    (Am I doing this right? My first time here.)
    Jason recently posted..Birthday TreatMy Profile

    • ROFL! Yes, you are doing this precisely right. Stop by the Green Room and leave a link to your comic. Welcome to M3!

  8. #3 speaks to me as a pelvis…Rorschach-like…
    Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captains Wife recently posted..The Sad Saga of Spirit Squirrel™My Profile

    • Bwahaha! I can see it, now that you mention it. Someone in the FAB world told me it looks like a ram. xxx

  9. 1. Loopy Owl!!! 🙂

    2. Lava cave.

    3. Robot at night.

    4. Razor dance.

    5. Event Horizon.

    Fascinating how the human mind works…

    Love and hugs!

    Prenin recently posted..Thursday – A wet shopping day.My Profile

  10. #2 Egypt

    #3 Royalty

    C. Brown recently posted..“I Was On The Beach”My Profile

    • #2 does have an Egyptian feel to it. #3 is hitting the mark. Great to see you today, Colleen. xxx


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