All posts in category Art

Wordless Wednesday

Red Dwyer fractal art

We missed last week because of a long post. Time for names and pretties. (Click to enlarge.)

Wordless Wednesday

Fractal Art Red Dwyer

It is time to name the fractals. (Click to enlarge.)  

Wordless Wednesday

Red Dwyer Fractal Art

How did you know to meet me here today? Click to enlarge, pick a favorite and give them all a name.

Wordless Wednesday

Fractal Art Red Dwyer

The block is still the same. Click to make them larger. Look closely and give each fractal a name. When you are all finished, choose a favorite. No peeking!

Wordless Wednesday

Fractal Art

You know how this works… You name the fractals and tell me which one is your favorite. No peeking! Click to enlarge.