Wordless Wednesday

The block is still the same. Click to make them larger. Look closely and give each fractal a name. When you are all finished, choose a favorite. No peeking!

Fractal Art Red Dwyer


Fractal Art Red Dwyer


Fractal Art Red Dwyer


Fractal Art Red Dwyer


Fractal Art Red Dwyer

One reminds me of a fall breeze. One reminds me rules are merely suggestions. One is two different things entirely.

Once Upon A Fractal…

If you tuned in for the last set of fractals, the art was named the following:

  1. Hair On End
  2. Daisy Infinity
  3. NYFW Brim
  4. Sand Dollar
  5. Ostrich Ballet

There was no clear audience favorite, but the colors were new and fresh. I have to give Andro and Bearman kudos for their names for #3 and #5, respectively.

Daisy Infinity reminds me of a cold spring. You get to choose whether I mean water or the season.

Ostrich Ballet reminds me of the repetition designs, handmade fractals, from art class. Sand Dollar seems like the ocean in flight.

This week: name the fractals, pick a favorite and please answer the question.

Have a creative week! Hope you enjoyed the fractal art.

Which ones do you think belong to the three listed in the “reminds me” section? Please choose a favorite when you name the fractals!

Hashtags: #fractals #art #WW

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  1. To name these, I used the random free association method, so, don’t blame them on me, precisely…

    1) Romeo/Fawkes

    2) Harold & Maude

    3) Penatgon Redux

    4) Sylvester Mobious’ Painting Co.

    5) Penelope (Nope… no idea…)

    My favorite was/is #2, with a strong showing in favor of #1 and #5….

    I didn’t see the group last Wednesday, but, the reminder section, I think, refers to #1, 3, & 5, not in that order, necessarily

    Had a few minutes, & appreciate the little neuronic exercises….

    See ya…. 😉

    gigoid, the dubious


  2. Hi-ya, Red. Long time. <3

    1. Heart rings
    2. Sound bytes
    3. Spiral staircase
    4. Flames burst
    5. Witch on a Hog

    My fav is #3
    Tess recently posted..100-Word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #154My Profile

  3. Name them ? I was 10 ears old before I found out my name was not “Hey You”.

  4. Here I am backtracking and still cooling off after viewing your awesome photo shoot, I found every one of those photographs incredibly stylish, wow sexy is a better word and is a truism, you did right having those done my dear friend.

    Now to try and concentrate on these Fractals, without rushing back and taking another viewing… Okay I am calm again, and now for my thoughts on these latest Fractal designs.

    1/ Hearts Desire
    2/ Space Angels Kiss
    3/ Time Revolving
    4/ Alien Editor
    5/ Werewolf Reclining

    And my favourite for this awesome batch of Fractals is number one…

    Andro xxxx

  1. Wordless Wednesday | The M3 Blog

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