Flash in the Pan

The application filled out? Check. Does anyone really remember all of their addresses? Or what day they start a job…six jobs ago?

Copies of identification? Check. Wow! Why don’t people brush their hair before they get their picture made which will be them for the next four years?

Urine sample? Check. Yuck. It’s still warm. Is cold any less disgusting?

“Congratulations! You are hired.” The human resource manager was taken aback by the vigorous handshake from the appreciative applicant.

Why does anyone try to become a surgical test subject?

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

This week’s word is check. Tonight’s entry weighs in against September’s maximum of 125 words at 89.

Everyone interested in playing along with FTP need only pick one of the featured words, write a flash (staying under or at the maximum number of words for the month), and link back to the post where the word is featured. If you would like to get ahead or catch up, the words are posted on the Flash in the Pan page where your flashes will be linked.

Flash in the Pan will be a quarterly publication compliments of Redmund Productions. All entries will be published. Deadline for this edition is 30SEP12. Entries must be linked before 2359 EDT (GMT-5). All non-WordPress users need to email their links via Ask Momma.

Happy Flashing!


Would you ever volunteer to be a guinea pig for the medical community (drugs, diet, surgery, procedures)? Are you grateful people do? Have you ever considered donating your body to science?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on Momma’s Money Matters
is expressly forbidden.
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in The Office.
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  1. That cracked me in half, especially after the week I have had. I could think of a few people in my life that deserve to be medical test subjects.

    Thank so for the giggle, I needed it desperately.
    Valentine Logar recently posted..Ideologies or are they, 1900My Profile


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