Hot Flash!

She crushed her toothbrush against the grout in a compulsive fit of penance.

Or was it an egocentric battle against luminol?

Welcome to "Flash in the Pan"

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

This is the last Hot Flash! of the quarter. December’s featured word is compulsive. Against the 50-word limit, this twisted number weighs in at a mere 21.

So, I have to ask… Are you getting Disturbed with us this quarter? We are in the final stretch.

I owe you last week’s flash and today’s flash. Both of them will post this week. You would have gotten one on Tuesday, had I not found anything better to do than crash M3. Meh.

Happy Flashing!

How smart is she really if she knows about luminol and is still using a toothbrush? On which team are you going to play the odds? Who is your favorite new flasher this quarter?

Hashtags: #flashfiction #getpublished w/ @RedmundPro

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  1. Perhaps it’s time to re-tile. That shouldn’t be suspicious at all.
    Binky recently posted..DIY LiposuctionMy Profile

  2. I have to look up lomonal- spell check doesn’t like the word but that’s not unusual with your vocabulary hehe. This one is great. I’m looking forward to the other. I didn’t know M3 crashed because I am still not getting notifications, blah.

    Love to you!
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Prose – My Own Private Thanksgiving ParadeMy Profile

  3. Just when I thought I had three words to complete my quarter I find yet another word adding to my total, but being such a compulsive waffler I should easily finish in time 🙂

    I have enjoyed your flash Red 🙂

    Andro xxxx

  4. She Will lose. Re-tiling would be suspicious timing-wise. Even bleach, according to TV crime shows, doesn’t hide the truth. Doesn’t say what she’s using. I like the tone though, and she’s only interested in not getting caught; she is Not sorry. Uh-uh.

    Not sure which flasher is my favorite yet. Haven’t been able to keep up. 😉
    tess kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – LunaticMy Profile

    • Good. I captured her utter lack of remorse. Funny how many people are only sorry they got caught. 😉 xxx

  5. Being a major Bones enthusiast isn’t luminol what she uses to detect blood or a similar type of light? In the last episode someone had blood spattered in his hair and after washing several times he got caught anyway. Doesn’t sound good.

    I’ve a lot of reading to do myself. There aren’t enough hours in the day but if there were anymore I’d never survive it.

    • Love Bones as well. I am a few seasons behind. No worries. If you miss a few, the book will be along shortly 🙂 Great to see you, Margaret.

  6. Hey where’s our
    Wednesday Fractals? 🙁 Grrrr

    I will look forward to those next Red 🙂
    Have a lovely start to your Thursday my
    sweet and dear friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx


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