Flash in the Pan

She stroked her arms with coconut-smelling oil before adjusting the huge sunglasses beneath her too long bangs. She lay back with her arms akimbo.

“How is she today?”

“This morning, we’re in the Mediterranean. She had me ‘slice mangoes and make mimosas’.”

Marshall lifted the container of orange juice to smell it and nearly got the straw in his nose. He pressed the button on the morphine dispenser and watched Claudette’s eyes close behind her shades. He raked the half-eaten dry toast into the juice.

“She is obsessed with the idea of a cruise, Dr. LeLaine. She spoke on the call button to her sister about coming for shuffleboard later.”

“Ms. Caine, her sister has been dead for almost two decades. Perhaps later this afternoon, they will be able to play shuffleboard. In the meantime, keep the morphine constant. Her final vacation shouldn’t be disturbed by her octogenarian, paraplegic reality.”

Welcome to "Flash in the Pan"

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

The limit for December is 150 words. This flash, featuring the word obsessed, comes in on the money. How obsessed can you get in 150 words?

This is the final flash of the year. If you have not joined us already, there is still time. Submit your flashes before 2359 (EST GMT -5) 31DEC13 to be considered for Disturbed, the sixth edition of Flash in the Pan.

Are you obsessed with a dream? Where is your dream vacation to get away from the strife of everyday life?

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  1. This is a great FTP Red 🙂
    I hope that your Christmas
    was a lovely one my dear
    friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx

  2. I’m dreaming of a cross country train trip with my beloved (hugs).

  3. A lot of backstory in this one.

    The moon. That gets you away from everyone.

  4. Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Outstanding.
    “…her octogenarian, paraplegic reality.” Wow!
    Tess Kann recently posted..Christmas, Borrowers, and SquirrelsMy Profile

  5. Excellent flash! Love it all, as it is my own dream to go out in exactly the fashion as the octogenarian paraplegic…. not the paraplegic part, but, the dream cruise on morphine part…. 👿 The doctor shows good sense and a compassionate heart…
    gigoid recently posted..That ghost just flattered Nadine!….My Profile

  6. hey hey! the end of the year and in pops your update.. so something must have sorted itself out… I could do with laying on some beach rubbing some coconut oil into my skin on this wet and windy day here.. As she sniffs the remnants of a cold off… 🙂

    Happy New Year Red, and wishing you all the very best for a successful and Wonderful 2014…
    Love Sue xox
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Imagine the Ingredients for the future.My Profile

  7. Ahhh, what a nice way to go morphine dreams of a different place.

    Nice one.

  8. grant helms

     /  January 2, 2014

    I’ve never had the luxury of a dream vacation. Maybe the possibilities are endless. Any suggestions?


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