Does the “e” invalidate?

You can do this!

Inhabitants of the blogosphere, social media and virtual reality form friendships with people across the globe. The barriers to friendship which exist in person are often overlooked because they never come up in conversation or ignored altogether as irrelevant. Janet took the time to look at, and give you a look into, her e-friendships. It is an interesting tale. She has questions. Grab a cuppa.

Can e-friends be friends?

Do you keep your online friends (e-friends) at arm’s length? Or are they as close to your heart as your real life friends?

Just as in real life, usually there are varying degrees or levels of relating to folks online. That of course may vary, as well, depending on where you hang out online.

I hang out on blogs and on art sites, for the most part. And Facebook, mostly because I must, for promoting my art/book. This post is not about the sites, services themselves, rather about the relationships we develop, especially the ones that grow into something we would not usually expect from internet interactions.


Facebook Friends Red Star FractaletLet’s take a look at Facebook first. Facebook has active membership in the billions. In the US alone, nearly half (41%) of the US population subscribe to and use their FB accounts (Wiki). I first opened a Facebook account early on in its public evolution, probably around 2007. My purpose was to keep in touch with my many siblings and their families who were scattered all over the US and still scattering. Because we never have been a prolific correspondence bunch, it was a way to keep current on our lives and affairs.

Then, it stretched to cousins. Then, I added work cohorts. Just a few back then, but now that I’ve retired, I have many more as “friends”. Now, Facebook allows members to create a page, which you can brand as you like, and, for the most part, the Facebook world does not associate your personal account with your page unless you make it so.

The point is, for me, Facebook is not usually a place where I create/develop personal relationships. There are many other networking services, MySpace, Twitter, reddit etc. (none of which I use, or am familiar with), providing, basically the same sort of service as Facebook.

Do you have a Facebook or other social network presence? What do you use it for? Do you look forward to interacting with friends and “friends” on Facebook or other “places”? Or do you use it as a platform to promote yourself as an artist, woodworker, writer or to show you’re a BIG fan of a particular social icon, like Twinkies?


As do most of you, I’m guessing, I spend a lot of time in the blogosphere. In a three year period in early 2000’s, blogs increased from  one million to over forty million, says a Gallop poll on blogging (Wiki). I’m fairly new to it, only a couple years under my belt. But believe you me, I have great respect for the blogosphere and the folks I meet and interact with. There are so many blogs, there is NO WAY anyone could ever frequent all the blogs/bloggers I like find interesting, or perhaps the blogger is more skilled in areas I choose to explore.

A Friendship FlowersIn the mere two years, I have met some wonderful people, and some deep relationships have resulted. I may not even know much about the blogger (and commenters too), but I believe you can tell a lot about a person by the way they present themselves. And present their chosen subjects on which they blog. Some are funny, some are serious. Some are radical, some profound. And the same goes for the commenters on these blogs.  That fact, itself also limits the amount of blogs I can frequent, visit often, seldom or even rarely. Because I spend as much time watching the interactions going on, reading the comments on some very popular blogs. Since I usually don’t get there early enough to be the first responder, I have the privilege of becoming acquainted with people I might not otherwise encounter. So, I visit THEIR blog, and my list of interesting folks and their blogs grows exponentially.

But in all that, I have found some very interesting folks, some good-hearted people who really care about others they meet in the blogosphere. Some of these I now call friends. Real friends.

Recently, I was in a cyber situation with a handful of others; some were strangers, all of us working toward the same goal. It was easy to get to know these folks, and to grow to like them. Working together, sharing ideas and material, our hearts touched because our shared goal was something very significant to each of us. And more friendships blossomed. Friendships that extend beyond the common interests or other factors that brought us together initially.

I am very grateful for the friends I’ve made within the blogosphere. They are special because we don’t (yet?) have the obstacles of body language and other subliminal communicating factors that one has with meeting/interacting with people in person. But we have shared some of our deepest, truest, most intimate feelings so we enjoy relationships built on things near and dear to us. I have found a deep and sincere interest in the success of these friends in their various endeavors. Even the ones I haven’t gotten to know yet!

Have you met any special friends in the blogosphere? Do you feel that the people you meet in the blogosphere are being honest, expressing their true selves? Or perhaps you have experienced the opposite? Folks who only develop a relationship with you to keep their blog stats high? Or some other agenda?

Though I understand the need for caution, I tend to trust e-friends quickly and unconditionally. From the safety of my own home.

Deviant Art

A third “place” where I have made some great friends is on the art sites I joined. Digital art is a passion I wanted to interact with others over. For many reasons. To learn To be inspired. To share. To teach. The first art community I joined was Deviant Art. True, I was a little put off by the name, but at the same time curious to see why it had such a descriptive moniker. I didn’t realize it at the time, but in 2011, DA ranked 13th most visited social network (Wiki).It has more than 14 million members, boasting nearly 150,000 submissions daily.

Janet Russell

Put a face with the name.

Almost as soon as I joined, I realized the name, though strange, had nothing to do with the individuals in the community, really. These were real folks from all over the world. So, I visited their galleries and was inspired by the many talented people who share their work on DA. This was a community of very generous artists who wanted nothing more than to share their knowledge and experience so that others (me?) could learn and grow as artists. And so I did. Then I found the courage to begin filling my own gallery. And was shocked and amazed and proud when some of the most talented artists I’d ever know actually liked my work.

Over the years (about 4 now), some personal relationships developed here, as in the blogosphere. Again, some folks with whom I shared direct communication and common interests outside of the Deviant Art world.

A couple months back, one of these relationships was suddenly changed. The other DA member, Mark, unfortunately passed away. He was a prolific and talented artist. He was also a prolific commenter on many, many different artists work. Always a positive word. Always a showing of support and kindness. He loved the DA community and we, in turn, loved him. He shared with me that due to a decades old accident, he was “disabled”. Due to permanent brain damage, his ability to communicate had changed – he could not write to the standards most of us take for granted. Yet he was always able to get his point across. He was always clear and supportive, even if his punctuation and grammar were a little “off”. There were other physical challenges, but they did not define him, in his mind or in mine.

This is what I find so special about online friendships, with people we’ve not met, and probably won’t. When not interacting in person, we are able to see beyond the factors that might otherwise affect how we perceive someone. Body language can be a hindrance. As can many other factors/features/aspects that make us who we are. And, unfortunately, once we’ve met that person and observed their differences or similarities, a portion of our mind and heart always adds those factors into our conscious perception of the person. Once there, it’s pretty hard to redefine that person in our mind to someone who is more than what you see.

Ma and Pa Urban Fox (Roxy & Rocky) by Mark a/k/a Kram

Ma and Pa Urban Fox (Roxy & Rocky) by Mark a/k/a Kram

Mark was curious, well read, and understood human nature better than many people I know. He was gentle and kind and opened up to his DA friends. He was genuine and generous. He had a relationship with a family of “urban foxes” that lived in his backyard. And he shared that with us in his almost daily photos of Roxy and Rocky and their kits when they arrived. And they grew accustomed to him, allowing him to get closer and closer as he photographed them over a couple years. His photos were studies of conscious beings that weren’t people. But, in reality, they were very much like us.

So, when Mark died, I felt the grief physically, same as when a beloved family member had passed. I cried. In wonder, I felt the hole he had left in my heart and in the world. His absence was palpable. That’s when I realized that I needed to redefine friendship. To consciously include some of the wonderful friends I’ve met online, and knew only online. I already was aware they were special. I just hadn’t realized how much they really meant to me. A lot!

And I learned a good lesson from this. We learned of Mark’s passing, because his brother (Simon) knew of Mark’s passion for his art and the DA community. So, Simon felt it appropriate to notify us of his demise. As much as we hate to, it is usually a good idea to prepare for our own death, by making wills, or expressing our final wishes in some fashion. I can tell you that I have already made it abundantly clear that when I leave, I want someone to notify all my e-friends. So they won’t be left wondering what has become of me and are able to grieve properly.

Have you prepared for this, in your final wishes? Do you care if your e-friends are made aware that you have died? Or do you feel it’s not their business? Since we usually don’t pre-know the exact moment of our passing and can’t let e-friends know in advance, do you feel they have a right to this knowledge? Would you want to know that if any of your e-friends suddenly disappeared, it was due to their death?

Whatever your thoughts on this, remember that friendships are valuable. No matter how they are formed. Or where.

And then there are our critter friends… but that’s another post entirely!

You have already been acquainted with my view of this subject, and Janet is definitely with the M3 style with the questions. Let’s get a real discussion going. You are more than welcome to answer anyone’s comments as well as answering the questions yourself.

Stop by and check out Janet Russell and her new book, Fractal Dreams.

© Red Dwyer 2013
Original post and fractal images © Janet Russell
Urban Foxes © Mark a/k/a Kram666
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available in The Office.
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  1. I always wonder that. My wife has no idea how to log into any of my social media sites. Sure I would want people to know that something happened to me.

    I keep saying I am going to print instructions for her but I haven’t gotten around to it. So just know if two months go by and I haven’t updated my blog without telling you….well….
    Bearman recently posted..Zombie BearmanMy Profile

    • I dropped a codicil to my will for my computer and where to find the instructions once someone is on it. Not all that difficult.

    • It’s hard enough to think about all those details that someone will have to know about once you’re gone, but remembering to get them recorded them somewhere is just as important as thinking about them!!!
      Two months. I’d be worrying lots sooner w/out w/out a word from all your critters and you!!
      Thanks for reading, Bearman! (Love you as a zombie!!)

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

  2. This is a good post Janet, thanks for sharing Red!
    I don’t use Facebook as I found it way too intrusive, but love blogging, and the great friends I have ‘met’ over the almost three years I’ve been blogging. I’m still learning, and my on-line friends are also my on-line teachers. I can be inspired, intrigued, humbled and made to laugh out loud with each site I visit – which some days is more than what I get with the ‘real’ people I know. I must admit though that I’m not prepared should I take the next step in my journey, which is something I’ll need to look into!
    Sorry once again I haven’t been round here much recently, Red, but I’m now trying a different way of actually following the blogs I follow…
    Tom recently posted..Showtime!My Profile

  3. It’s a great opportunity we have to be able to communicate with people all over the world. I think you can develop some very real friendships with people that share similar interests, people that you would never have the chance to meet in real life. We can form very real connections that might just help to unite the world.
    Binky recently posted..Things To Do ListMy Profile

    • I would like to think the same thing. We erase borders with the Internet. It would be a better place if we could move that lack of borders into the FAB world as well.

    • Now that is a GREAT way to look at it, Binky!!! I too believe the interwebz has empowered ua all and made it much easier for an individual to make a difference!!!


  4. I joined Facebook not too long ago, and although I have a personal account, it’s really my author page where I do my interaction. But so far, I’m not convinced it’s given me a much greater reach than my blog. At least on Twitter, I feel like I have a whole different group of people to interact with, but so far, my blog and FB are much of the same.
    Carrie Rubin recently posted..Blogrolls—Yea, Nay, Or Maybe?My Profile

    • See, for me, FB is a ton of ppl who are not at the blog, and my Twitter and G+ people are not on anywhere else. It should be fun now that I am going to open a whole new set of SM. I like your author page 🙂

    • Interesting, Carrie… Have you tweeted about your FB page? Though, for authors of the written word variety (as opposed to artists, etc) I’m sure the many great sites Like RP, Goodreads, etc will be of great value to you as much as FB
      I think FB has gotten too complicated – I’m still trying to figure out how to “like” as myself or as my Buddhakat Designs page!!!

      • I haven’t tweeted much about my FB page, no. And at first, I too was ‘liking’ with my personal account. This was inviting friend requests, which I really don’t do since I only interact on my author page. So now I try to ‘like’ only with my author page, but it has more limitations than a personal account. I’m still struggling to learn it all.
        Carrie Rubin recently posted..Let’s Put This Blogroll Thing To Rest Once And For AllMy Profile

        • The best way to pick up professional subscribers on FB is commenting on other pages. It gets your page name and attitude in front of those who you would otherwise have to cultivate from SM followings you have elsewhere (which defeats the purpose of increasing the size of your following). If you have one or two cheerleaders in your personal contacts, having them promote your page will get you in front of more new eyes. This doubles when you have interaction on your page because those comments show up on feeds to be viewed by those who would otherwise have never found your page.

          I have the FB thing down pat. From the likes above, only three are friends of mine. The rest are ppl who either like the page or friends of friends, etc.

          • I am kinda with Carrie on FB, I try and then personal page gets much attention if I share something from my blog or artist page but I want them to be separate – not that I care anymore about them being known i just dont want to get them all mixed up and too late, when I like something on WP it likes it as my personal page and the only like that count on my page are the personal and i dont see much reach except the exceptionally strong posts that i share to my personal page.. i am rambling but i would like to like Carrie’s page..just saying
            Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Edward Hotspur and the SQUEE!!!!My Profile

          • You can find Carrie’s page on my profile, 5,000 Contacts and the RP page. 😉 Apparently, we are going to have to do a FB primer. <3 xxx

          • Thanks for the advice. I do try to comment on other pages–quite a lot, actually. The problem is, when I comment with my public page persona, I don’t receive alerts to when someone else has commented on that same status update. I’d like to follow up, but there’s no way I can keep track of all the comments I leave. I tried to change this in my settings but couldn’t see how to. If I comment with my personal persona, then I get notifications.

            Yes, I think a FB primer would be great for those of us navigating both a private and public page!
            Carrie Rubin recently posted..Let’s Put This Blogroll Thing To Rest Once And For AllMy Profile

          • I will pull one together when I get back from this break. 😉

          • I really “LIKE” that idea, Red! Today I tried sharing something I’d learned about using FB on a “certain” forum, but ended up giving my self a headache AND (hopefully NOT) confusing any who might read! I’m with Carrie too – I find it difficult to find tips on what I want to do with the HELP section. I’m pleading the fifth for FB!!!


  5. You pose very interesting questions. I just started FB a couple months ago to promote my brand, ME, whatever that might evolve into. I started blogging in June cos my DIL bugged me about doing it, and started tweeting the same time I started FBing. I really love tweeting! I don’t have deep girl relationships in real life, I have a few friends at the gym and that’s about it. My hubs and I are pretty self contained. I call him my best gf. I have found so many friends on the blogosphere that I think are nicer and more real than in my little town in SoCal and we plan to meet and perhaps even join together in business ventures. I’m completely open to that; I think we do learn important things from our writing, even when we’re being funny and absurd. This really got me thinking! Great post. I don’t know if I would care if anyone knew I passed. I only really matter to my son and my hubs.
    enchantedseashells recently posted..A Grateful MondayMy Profile

    • I think you are far more appreciated than you may imagine. I am a seeker; and when ppl disappear, I tend to go looking.

    • I agree with Red on this one, Enchanted Seashells – don’t underestimate the power the internet has to make you likeable and liked!! And don’t sell yourself short – you clearly have a voice and I for one am glad you have joined in the fun!! Plus, I think you 300+ followers would choose to differ about your impact!

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

  6. RED – FIRST OF ALL – congrats on Your site ——— your co. /////////// like i wrote you the other day – amazing 🙂 🙂 🙂
    i stilll can’t figure out the e reader but whatever
    i will figure it out – sooner or later xxx
    Blog Land is amazing ————- art hearts have lots in common —————–2012 – MASSIVE LEARNING CURVE 🙂
    facebook – just rejoined – and love love supporting my friends art – work – and love keeping in touch
    Blogworld = and Youtube – create and learn
    Facebook =share and support
    Happy new year i haven’t been here in a million years – all the best for REDMUND – WHICH IS YOU 🙂 XIOXOXO
    goodnight LADY RED XOXOXOXO
    Cat Forsley recently posted..Space Daisy back To Earth – Cat Forsley –My Profile

    • I am so glad to see you, too <3 If you need help with the ereader, visit the help page 🙂 I am with you. Each platform serves a bit of a different purpose for me. I have one for play and one is all business (blech) and then the ones in between mix it a bit differently.

      A happy and bright 2013 to you, Mon Chat Doux. You are going to do more great things this year than you did last year...which were many! <3 xxx

      • Hiya xxxxxxxxx Good aft xxxx
        For sure in the help pages – thanks xxxx
        a new year – old friends – new friends – treasured hearts – opportunities – happiness – no limit on the sky – back to planet earth cat xx lol xxxx a more Funnnnnnnnn Cat xxx That is uber grateful for the journey and it aLL 🙂 i mean allllllllllllllllllll of it xoxoxoxoxxoxoxo Brightest blessing To You Lady red xxxxxxxx always here xxx To art of hearts and happiness and JOY xoxoxoxoxoxox
        C XXX
        Cat Forsley recently posted..Space Daisy back To Earth – Cat Forsley –My Profile

        • Even as we reconnected recently, Cat – that itself makes the cyber world a delightful place. It’s a lot to keep up with, but who’d’ve thunk self promo could be so darn fun!!!
          Best of luck to you in 2013, with all your plans and lofty goals!!! I hope you exceed your own expectations!! And then some!!

          BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

        • You are such a ray of sunshine <3 xxx

          • Hi 🙂 Good morning ——-xxxxxxx
            all sunshine rays to You ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            🙂 even though it’s still black out here 🙂 lololololololol
            Joy and happiness are infectious right – PASS IT ON XXXXXXXXX 🙂 🙂 🙂
            i like to support my buddies on fb – share their creations – all that 🙂 it’s just funnnnn to help out 🙂 and miss Buddhakat – are one talented lady –

            yep it’s a lot to keep up with but heartwise –
            but i think connection and friendship and support
            are key 🙂 XXX i sure love helping out
            Happy new year again and again xxxx
            Day 11 – and yeah – 🙂 🙂 🙂
            we are all interconnected so – well YEAH 🙂
            🙂 🙂 🙂 xo
            Cat Forsley recently posted..A Map – Home – Some Things I love – Cat Forsley-My Profile

          • I love being able to go to ppl’s pages and see all the things which move them. For me, the connection is revealing the thought we may not have put into words had it not been for someone else writing or drawing or singing them. I think it helps us grow. <3 xxx

          • I SOOOOO agree that there is great pleasure in featuring the accomplishments of others/friends on FB. And, yes, Cat… you are MANY rays of sunshine!!

            have a sweet weekend you guys!!


        • I am happy to see you Cat I wondered where you were…jsut wanted to tell ya. <3
          Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Edward Hotspur and the SQUEE!!!!My Profile

          • ahhhhhhhhh Lizzie 🙂 i am making music
            making art xxx 🙂 living sharing creating – all that funnnnn stuff – this year has been lighter in all it’s 11 days thus far 🙂 u know that feeling – lighter and more grounded at the same time xo
            does that make sense xxxxxx
            i have found – since your post RED – is about connection thru internet – a ton of my friends pages on fb – bearman – dontchawannadream – animal friends – it’s super nice to share –
            Lots of Love xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxo
            Cat Forsley recently posted..A Map – Home – Some Things I love – Cat Forsley-My Profile

          • RED -============= that’s poetry -= 🙂
            growth – 🙂 yes – blooming yes 🙂 i think the same xoxoxo
            Cat Forsley recently posted..Treasure It – Cat Forsley –My Profile

  7. FB for me has always just been where I hang out as the other me, the family personal me. Now I am trying to move over as another me, the blogger and writer me but it is a slow transition. Twitter, I am irregular with, maybe I will get there someday when I have more time.

    My friends, I have made so many I hold dear where the friendship started as an ‘e’ friendship. Some evolved and I have actually met them in real life, I don’t know it would have mattered though.

    This is a great suggestion, to leave instructions.

    • For me FB is personal as well. I really do not know where I would be were it not for some of those who began with the “e”. Frankly though, I have never differentiated them. To me, a friend is not defined by location or proximity. xxx

    • Too bad time is an issue whatever world you may be frequenting.
      I didn’t really note a difference, either until my RL Quaints and friends would give me a sidelong glance when I would mention a recent conversation with an e-friend. Mostly I refer to them by their names, when speaking of them, thus redirecting any judgement to the subject of the convo!

      Thanks, Val!!!

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

  8. This was a lovely read. I often feel a little frustrated by my interactions on blogs. Like tonight, I really would like to chat more, but it’s crazy. Three kids, a school night, and I can’t think straight, so I’m left with a minute or two to express my appreciation for the blog post I just read, but no time to sound smart or even really interesting. On my Facebook Page (same name), I am able to interact more, in small doses. That’s not to say FB is better or worse. It’s just good at gathering lots of my favorite writers and artists in one place. Anyway, I am so sorry for your loss and your post was lovely.
    El recently posted..When You’re Trapped Between Work and Family: A Writer’s DoubtsMy Profile

    • I think we all get there, El. The finite number of hours in a day and those annoying miniatures who demand…continually.

    • Well said El! Though I hate to admit it, FB does make it easy to let your ” friends” know you “liked” what they had to say or share. I’m not one of those who think all like buttons should be done away with. In fact, I appreciate that they allow for a brief moment of interaction, so the other person knows I was there, or read what they had to say, even if no time to stay awhile and chat!!
      Thanks for stopping in during your chaos time!!

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

  9. This is a very good posting Janet as it is something that we can all relate to, being that we will be a user of one or more of the many networking and blogging sites out there. On joining these networks I think that everyone will experience the very same kind of issues when it comes down to visiting alternative sites.

    Undeniably websites that start off as a small interest are built up by the friendliness that is portrayed and as we continue reading and commenting upon others works it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up. There are many varieties of sites too, some are used for blogging everyday entries that are likened to a diary for instance or it can be a vehicle in which to add one’s poetry and short stories.

    Fiction and factual offerings tend to increase our visits especially as we become friends with the sites author, also in a very nice way we meet acquaintances, friends of friends and so we continue venturing into their Spaces and so increasing the community and every time we meet another person, he or she is not just someone behind a monitor feeding us their thoughts and dreams, their hobbies; they are real people that after a time become rather special to us.

    Some are more special than others and as time moves on these friendships develop so that when we visit their Space our thoughts are heightened, we have camaraderie and a feeling of closeness, not with everyone that we encounter but as with friends in the real world, we can still connect and be equally friendly with our online associates, and over the years these friendships are bonded, sometimes one can even touch beyond the mechanisms of the online community and actually get together in the real world.

    I actually know a few people, couples that have met online and have eventually married so there are much deeper relationships formed whilst online, however protection and security in these instances is paramount and nobody should be taking chances without being extremely careful as not everyone that we connect with are genuine.

    I could write a lot more on this theme but already my comment is lengthy, but I do know that when someone leaves the community without a mention that it truly does affect people’s lives and the idea of letting the online community, friends and really good friends know why someone has left is definitely something that is very important.

    I have some wonderful friends on WordPress, some great friends that I have found whilst visiting in and around WordPress and I have a few more that I found on Windows Live Spaces before migrating and joining the WordPress community, of course I have not met them in person but nevertheless they do feel like true friends to me, like those that I have in the real world and like Tom has already mentioned, sometimes the online friendships are just as equally if not more important than the ones that are forged in reality.

    I do hope that there are
    no silly typos on this one…

    Have a really nice rest of evening Red 🙂

    Andro xxx

    • I routinely challenge the concept of “real” world. For me, I will always call it the FAB (flesh and blood) world. A large portion of my very closest friends, who worry about me, care for me corporately and emotionally, support my ventures and create joy in my life are those I may never be close enough to lay my hand upon. The people inside my computer are real. I have not imagined them, their children, their Mates, their camaraderie or their loyalty. The link above is only one instance I chose for this topic, as there is another equally poignant example.

    • Yes, Andro – that is what I perceive to be the draw of cyber worlds… if we have something clever to say, written a soulful poem or have strong feelings on a current or subject, it seems that to share such without an audience (or at least the hope of one) is not very fulfilling. That is not to say that everything we say and/or do must have an immediate audience. But the internet has given us all the gift of knowing there is someone out there who might be truly touched, or inspired, or moved by just a little thought from ourselves.
      And, Red, another thing I love about the internet is the ability to share some already shared thoughts on any subject with a simple link. It makes so much more sense than trying to remember and share again what was said, beautifully, before!! I loved that post and thanks for linking!

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile

  10. I keep my FB fairly private and my ‘friend’ list limited. In the blogsophere…I continue my trend of being mostly private. However, luckily, I have two (clears throat and mentions Red) WONDERFUL support systems that have made my life radically better. So – thank you and thank you for introducing me to Val. You ladies made my life pretty when I needed to find beauty. <3
    Candy recently posted..The GiftMy Profile

    • My sister is a beautiful person inside and out. I am glad to have found you. I am equally glad to have had a positive impact on you <3 xxx

    • That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!!!!
      Candy, I’ve missed your profound thoughts on the struggles and challenges of life. And the way you always seem to turn it into a positive when all is said and done. And here, now, as you reappear in my cyberworld, I’m reminded of that at a time, when I am re-expanding my reaching and touching old friends, as well as new!!
      And where WOULD we be without those awesome support systems!!!
      I too give a thumbs up to both Red and Val… they are both intelligent people who seem to truly speak from their hearts. Yet you can trust that they will always tell it like it is, too!!
      Thanks for stopping in to chat on this one, Candy!!

      BuddhaKat recently posted..First Friday Fractal Feature of 2013My Profile


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