H is for Habits

Good habits. Bad habits. Language habits. Study habits. Annoying habits. Drug habits. Broken habits. Hygiene habits. Can’t-seem-to-break-it habits. What are they really? Why do we pick up habits? Better still, how can we choose to pick up better habits?


Habits are repeated, learned behavior. Everyone has them. Yes, you are Pavlov’s dog. Do not think of it as a bad thing. There are loads of habits you have which you do not even know are habits.

An instinct is a natural reflex. Habits are different from instinct because we learn habits from others and through trial and error. Habits, especially bad habits, can hamper our instincts. Often we will do things which are completely contrary to our instincts.


As we make our way through the world, we find ways of accomplishing tasks. As we repeat the tasks, we refine the processes. Once we have done a task enough times, we know to do it as a response.

Our instinct to pick something up is to use the fewest muscles possible: lean and reach with the hand. As we learn the long term ramifications of leaning and lifting, we forgo our instinct and use more muscles to protect our bodies.

What begins as a voluntary action requiring effort becomes an automatic response through repetition… a habit. We associate an event, sound or sensation with our reaction. In time, we stop thinking about the association and merely react.


The majority of our habits form from repeating actions which positively stimulate us. It feels good. We want to do it again. This is a two-edged sword. For many habits, it is a good thing. We brush our hair because it stimulates the scalp, makes us look good and feel better about our appearance.

Bad habits form in the same way. Drug addiction is the most recognized example of a feel good bad habit.


Eating habits begin with the instinct to feed ourselves when we are hungry. We develop habits based on the feel good principle and on more stringent learning. While a meal of double-stuffed chocolate cookies dipped in ice cream and slathered with caramel sauce may feel good at the time, the struggle to put on pants teaches us better eating habits.

Our bodies warn us when habits are bad. Overindulgence and overexertion are habits which our bodies reject in many ways:

  • Type II Diabetes
  • Muscle Aches
  • Fatigue
  • Weight Gain
  • Torn Soft Tissue
  • Headache
  • Broken Bones
  • Vomiting

Even habits which are good for us, like exercise, can be unhealthy when overdone. If you have ever eaten too many (prunes, pears, beans), you can endorse:


Eventually, we forget the things we do are actually habits. They no longer require any cognitive effort on our part. (The dinner bell rings, and we salivate.) We continue habits when they are no longer useful or have become bad. Our conditioned responses are no longer meaningful.

Who is the person you go to for advice? You go to Quaint because you have gotten good advice in the past. What happens when you want advice about something out of Quaint’s realm? You still ask Quaint. Why? It is a habit.

While you can still talk to Quaint about your new pursuit in theoretical terms, you cannot get the advice you need. What you are trying to accomplish is figuring out on your own using Quaint as a sounding board. Overall, not a bad habit, but one you can easily replace with a better habit.


No typos there. Habilitation is forming the habits which create the largest independence. Rehabilitation is restoring habits through treatment or training. Before you can rehabilitate you must first habilitate.

Before you do anything, ask yourself:


If you answer is one of the following…

  • Because this is always the way I did it.
  • Because I don’t know another way.
  • Because everyone else does it this way.
  • Because I have to do it this way.

…chances are good this may be a habit you can break or change. If your answer is, …

Because this is the (fastest, easiest, best) way to do it.”

…this is a habit which does not need to be broken and may not need to be changed. Periodically, we need to look at our habits to see if there is a better way.

Think about the many inventions you have seen emerge in your lifetime. If someone had not been trying to habilitate themselves and you, we would still be listening to vinyl record albums, cooking without microwaves and only sending letters by snail mail.

Good habits keep us healthy, entertained and independent. Good habits save time and help us live better lives.

What is one of your habits which you thought was an instinct? Which habit would you like to change? Do you have one you need to break? Can you name an invention which has changed your habits?

If you tweet or +1 this post, please use the hashtag #AtoZChallenge!

© Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. I need to stop being in such a darn hurry! I am actively focused on parading through life with deliberation and not just fury.
    Candy recently posted..How I Lost 50 Pounds in 1 day!My Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      By all means. Enjoy every single step. It is where memories are born. 😉

  2. I have a bad habit of eating more ice cream than I need, as well as more often than I need. It really is no longer a habit, but more like an addiction. The only way I can seem to control my intake of the sweet creamy stuff is to only buy one serving at a time, rather than a 1/2 gl. or gl, which I have done to save money, but then I pay for it. Can I change it?…Yes, but have I? Yes. My doctor told me my cholesterol was getting high so I have manged to limit my intake of ice cream and the frequency of it. So maybe I’m not really addicted after all.
    Hey, you have an excellent post here Red. One that many people could stand to read for their own good. I’ll tweet.
    Hugs ♥ xx
    Deb recently posted..Happy EasterMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      Thanks for the share, Deb. I am certain we all have habits. Some of us with worse ones for our health and well-being than others, but habits none the less.
      Red. xxx

  3. I love this post, Red. …..The only serious bad habit I have is eating when bored. Yes, a bad habit, but I have no weight issues, so it’s not a really bad habit is it? “:)
    I was going to do ” H is for habit” too, but the first thing I thought of was a ‘nun’s habit’, ie. yes, one of those, ie. ” get thee to a nunnery” and the Flying Nun was a complete distraction because it starred Sally Fields and that completely distracted me which is another bad habit I have, being distracted easily. I want a cookie. What’s that outside the window in the corner office? That’s why I chose “H is for Hobbies” instead….I still want a cookie and a raise too “:))
    Raymond Alexander Kukkee recently posted..Political Sanctions: Punishment for Voting DemocraticallyMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      You are never distracted from cookies or raises 😉 I used to eat when I was bored. I just got more hobbies. 😉

  4. I definitely rely a bit too much on habit…
    if things go a bit differently than ‘planned’ it can really throw me off at times… much more than it should. Almost makes it difficult for me to concentrate on anything else! Not a good thing!
    spilledinkguy recently posted..Kitchen GadgetryMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      Embracing the spontaneity can be difficult sometimes, SIG, but in the end it is very healthy. Living with autistic children, I completely understand the upset caused by habits foregone.

      Good to see you this evening.

  5. Hey I really like this ‘H for Habits’ posting of yours and I guess that we all have one or two bad habits that we should be kicking into touch, and for me it is the thought of starting to cut down on the yummy foodstuffs, well we have all been there and I could certainly do to get a grip on that one… And Pronto :)lol

    Okay everyone Easter is over and now it is time to cut back on some of those deliciously sweet and awesomely enchanting treats that I so dearly enjoy, such as the obvious one… Yes you have guessed it, the Wombies favourite of Chocolates of all descriptions 🙂 lol

    Well I will soon get into the Habit of not craving Cream Eggs, Snickers, Marshmellows, M&M’s and of course after midnight Peanut Butter on Rich Tea Biscuits, well eventually I will 🙂 lol

    I will be on my exercise bike next too,
    ahhh well it will soon be Easter 😉 🙂 lol

    Have a great rest of evening Red 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      Peanut butter is one of my downfalls. There is so little which is not better with peanut butter. A less still which is not better with chocolate…do not even get me started on chocolate covered peanut butter. Mmm. I am still sore from yesterday’s workout, so I suppose the muscles will really enjoy this evening’s stretch. Must be done or a girlish figure will dissipate into fluff 😉

  6. I just thought that I would call back
    in for another read of this one Red 🙂

    I do hope that you are
    enjoying your evening 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      I am. Being creative makes for a wonderful exploitation of my time. Hope your night has gone well, and you are off for a coffee, dear friend.

  7. I guess we all have bad habits – mine used to be biscuits, but since the diet I have trouble eating just one as I no longer feel the need for their sweetness.

    Needless to say the diet is going well and I’m down to 106Kg from 120Kg.

    Maybe looking after myself is a new good habit? 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Sunday – James shows up looking for Chris…My Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      I think it is a fine habit! And congrats on the ditching of the pounds! So, odd. Americans use English measure and English use metric. *Giggle* So, typical. {HUGZ} Red.

  8. Luckily I don’t have to cut back on chocolate as I don’t have to worry about my pants not fitting.

    My worst habit is probably procrastination. I should work on that. One day.
    Binky recently posted..Disadvantaged YouthMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      The benefits of being pantless are numerous. Procrastination is not always a bad thing, Binky. I have a post here about the benefits of procrastination!

  9. I have more bad habits than I want to confess at the moment. Changing them one step at a time. My dad busted his hip and had it replaced, so he is not allowed to bed more than a 90 degree angle…. He is having a very difficult time trying to break his old habits. Some things do become so ingrained we no longer think about it, but it is a habit none-the-less. Great post 🙂 Angie
    Angela recently posted..Why You Should Still Carry OnMy Profile

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      Tackling them one at a time is the most effective way, once you can realize they are habits 😉

  10. Cool H post on some very relevant H-words.

    —Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    • Red

       /  April 9, 2012

      Nice to see you tonight, Damyanti. Hope you come again to see some other of the posts I have for the Challenge.


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