Adopt me.

Time to Make A Difference. Whether the weather in your part of the world is blazing hot or freezing cold, you can MAD. Would you trade a little responsibility for years of companionship, chances to network with others, entertainment and unconditional love? Have I got a deal for you!


Are you a pet lover?


There are nearly this many American animal shelters.

8 million

Dogs and cats are put into shelters every year. The average shelter handles over 1,300 animals a year. Many have fewer than 30 holding pens and kennels.

1 in 4

Puppy mills turn out pure breed dogs for a hefty fee. Those dogs, from puppy to adult, comprise 25% of shelter populations. A purebred dog from shelter is free or carries a nominal adoption fee, while the puppy mill responsible for its breeding will charge $1,000 or more for the dog.


Of all the pets in the United States, only around 15% of dogs and cats are adopted from shelters (more for dogs).

4 million

Animals will be euthanized this year. Just like last year. And next year.


Of all the animals killed in shelters, one-third are dams with nursing babies.

Consider this…

Why are pets so much better than human companions? They do not care about any of these:

  • Your physical capabilities or handicaps
  • Your appearance or whether your clothes match
  • Your age or if you act it
  • What you do for a living
  • What you drive

Are you single? No, not bestiality. Get out of the gutter. Dog parks. When you walk your dog in a park, you meet other (single) owners. You meet people with a similar love for dogs or a specific breed. You can pick up tips and tricks which make owning your pet easier.

Making friends through your pet is very similar to meeting the parents of your children’s friends. Most people consider their pets as on par with their children in terms of their placement in the family…some even like their pets better than their teenagers…but that is another post.

Do you like adventure? Shy adrenaline rushes, like skydiving, pets love adventure, too. Dogs love to swim. Take your dog camping with you. Guess who is not going to complain about the lack of amenities or the mosquitoes.

Guess who is adopted.

Do you have children? Children raised with pets are more socially well-rounded. They learn the responsibility of caring for another entity and sharing and are more empathetic to their friends. Disabled children (and adults, too) gain many benefits from the unconditional love of an animal. A dog or cat could not care less if the child is physically or mentally handicapped.

Make a Difference

1. Go to a shelter and look at all the animals. Is there one which draws your attention? No? Go to another shelter or come back on another day. Visit “kill shelters” first. The animals there are on death row.

2. Take a few minutes to speak to an adoption counselor. Talk about the space you have and the members of your household to help you choose an animal or a breed which is right for your situation.

3. Be realistic. You need to have the time and heart to invest in a relationship, the energy to put forth the effort to care for the animal and the income to provide a healthy environment, including veterinary care.

4. Take advantage of vaccinations, deworming, spay or neuter services offered at the shelter. Help control the pet population by being sure your adoptee will not be reproducing animals for which will end up at a shelter.

5. Save a life. Enjoy your new companion. Pets are a wonderful addition to a household.

6. If adoption is not a choice for you, donate pet food, gift certificates to feed stores or money to a shelter.

You DO Make a Difference.

You DO Make A Difference!

Join the rising number of people who are putting an end to puppy mills and cat breeders by adopting an animal slated for death because its owner died, someone could/would no longer care for it, it grew up bigger than the adorable puppy/kitten someone brought home or it was born because no one had sense enough to spay or neuter its parents.

Learn about the breed you are adopting. Find out how their personality fits in with your schedule, home and family.

Adopting a pet is a great experience. You can MAD in an animal’s life today.


Have you ever adopted a pet? Would you consider adopting an adult animal? Is there a no kill shelter in your area?

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
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  1. I thought you were going to talk about adopting children when I first saw the title. We have a cat. I think that is enough, although my kids would like a lot of animals around. The puppy mills are a problem, I think. Don’t they treat animals poorly?
    Derek Mansker recently posted..Nope, Not InterestedMy Profile

    • Technically, no. As long as the dam is nursing, she is caring for them. Problem is they pollute the countryside when they get to the last dogs. The ones which do not sell are given away to people who have no idea what goes into the care of a dog. Or worse, the remainder of the litter is dumped. It would hurt their sales to have puppies from different litters (and the same dam) around because it shows not all the dogs sold.

      In short, they do not give shots and spay/neuter care, assuming the new owners should take the responsibility.

  2. GOOD ONE RED ……….
    VERY GOOD …..
    🙂 LOVE XX
    Cat Forsley recently posted..Happy weekend ! Happy almost Canada Day! xo CatMy Profile

  3. All of our dogs for the last 30 years have been rescue dogs, including our two current pups Tilly the Tall and Ebony the Short. Without exception we have always ended up with the most intelligent, beautiful dogs that were a joy to have around. Do we regret adopting rescue pets? NO.
    We will adopt again in a heartbeat.
    GREAT post, Red–our pets deserve better than to be abandoned and shipped to ‘kill centers’. Puppy mills should be ILLEGAL, PERIOD. We CAN and should make a difference.
    Raymond Alexander Kukkee recently posted..The Greening: Flower PowerMy Profile

    • I have never bought a dog. One of my pure breeds (years and years ago) came from a puppy mill. She was the last of the litter and had not been sold. I got her because the dam was pregnant again and would not care for her and the mill was going to kill her. She was the most loyal, loving, protective animal. I have only had two others who were more ferocious when guarding my children. One I still have, and she is the pup of a rescue. Three of the people who came to get puppies when the dam littered were turned away because I did not think they would properly care for the animals or admitted they had a space far too small to accommodate a large breed dog. Ugh. This turns my crank.

  4. This is great, truly great advice. I’ve always wanted a dog, but have been afraid I would not be able to be master of them (master/friend/keeper, that is).

    I love my two cats, such quiet company on my bed as I write, so present. And they pretty much take care of themselves 🙂

    It does well for people to be reminded of the seriousness of taking on another life, a pet.
    Noeleen recently posted..Sex, Drugs & Rock’nRoll is fine, butMy Profile

    • It really is. People laugh at the owners who treat their animals like children. To my mind, if you are NOT treating your animals as well as your children, you have no business with them. Great to see you this morning, Noeleen. I hope you are off to a terrific start to the weekend! <3

  5. With one exception all my dogs and cats, ever in my life have been pound puppies. That one exception was rescued by my vet from a puppy mill.

    I love rescue puppies and pound puppies! This is the only way to go for family pets.

    Love this MAD! Thanks for bring this up.

    • The only dogs in my life which were not from the pound or rescued from mills or other owners were the ones we bred when I was a child. Even then, we only bred when there was enough demand for an entire litter. Not just because one or two wanted them. The dogs would litter 8-12 puppies. How irresponsible to bring that many into the world when no one wants them. Glad you like this one!

  6. Terrible what happens to so many pets. As an apartment dweller who works 10 – 12 hours a day (not including commute), I don’t think it would be fair to the dog we adopted…
    El Guapo recently posted..Friday Foollishness – Creamy/Crunchy EditionMy Profile

    • That is so very responsible of you Guapo. Many people look at the companionship part and do not think of the long hours the animal will be without them as they pursue (career, Mate, hobbies). You are right…it is not fair to leave them alone for all that time…especially indoors where their choices for chewing and digging materials are limited. I can imagine what TMWGITU would say about a closet of chewed shoes. *shudder*

  7. Dogs and cats make such great companions and are such wonderful animals. None of them should have to go without a good home.
    Binky recently posted..Cycle Of TimeMy Profile

    • I agree. I have been known to have a few more than I could handle just to see they did not get destroyed. Once I have them fixed, I find them suitable other homes. My cat was with me for 16 years and I could not imagine him being destroyed. They were born in a pool house. The two I could not catch were caught by the owner and sheltered until they were put to sleep. I caught three, but could not take the mother, knowing she was still nursing the others. Not the first set of babies I bottle fed…

  8. I have had pets my whole life.. and the ones I got s puppies or kittems were usually the last of the litter that were going to end up at a shelter if they didn;t get adopted…. my latest furry friend George, my son brought home soon after the puppies died… I swore up and down no more..and my kids, especially Mr. Smarty Pants Know it All 17 in a week…is notorious for bringing home strays.. There is a no kill shelter here but it is struggling financially with too many animals and not enough funding.

    If I can step on the soapbox for a minute… I saw a comment about responsibility to the anmals and the part about being realistic… I have a huge burden on my heart about the puppies.. I can’t even talk or write about them without getting extremely emotional.. I have so much guilt because they died only a few days before gettong their shots but, they should have had them a few weeks earlier. I didn;t have the money to take them to the vet. Barely the money to feed them although on a day to day basis, they had everything they needed and all the love of all of us in the family…. they died of Parvo. within 10 hours of each other and I was there when they both passed…. which brings me to point 2.. the neighbor dog had Parvo and survived but they never told us and their kid was throwing dried poo in our back yard.. don’t take in a pet if you can’t get their shots and other medical care. and if your pet has something that could affect other pets.. parvo distemper.. tell people… .. ok…. thanks…
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Gratitude is Not That Hard, Mid-Afternoon Mental MomentMy Profile

    • I had a pair of Chihuahuas die of parvo in November. They were still too small to get their shots because they were premature. The vet wanted to wait. When Beau came along, the vet and I both decided he had to stay indoors only for the first three rounds of shots…and it may last up to a year depending on if he stays this weight…which he might.

      Parvo is bad news. I was not even sure I was ready for another little dog when Bear brought him home, but I am ever so grateful he did. Parvo lasts up to a year, but the last dogs anyone reports having parvo was more than four years ago. Do not trust it, especially if you do not have a fenced yard. And do definitely ask your neighbors about it before you bring an unshot puppy home.

      Thank you for sharing, Lizzie. It is very very very important.

  9. I’m afraid I can’t adopt a pet – the landlord won’t allow it – but even so I find I’m unable to put the emotional time in because of the way dad tortured and killed our pets kind of left emotional scars that will not heal.

    I looked after my god daughter’s hamsters until they died – hamsters are unbelievably violent so have to be kept separated – and also Andrew and Shereen’s hamsters when they stopped looking after them properly.

    My last act was to donate the hamster hi-rise to the school who were delighted to receive such a large gift! 🙂

    If I had the choice I’d have a cat, but given the rules…

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Friday – The shopping arrives.My Profile

    • I think a cat would be a wonderful companion, but have you ever considered getting a fish? Around here I have a picture of Gruber. His urn is just behind my screen. He is fun to watch when he is being playful…he sneaks peeks at me from around the edge of the screen and then darts away when I look toward him. For everyone who thought fish were boring, all I can say is you never had a Betta (Siamese fighting fish). Fish do not violate no pet orders, especially when they are not in aquariums.

      The hi-rise donation was fabulous, Pren. Indeed, those things are atrociously expensive. While I have had rats, I have never had traditional rodents (gerbils, hamsters, Guinea pigs). The closest I have come has been rabbits, but I have also had squirrels and raccoon. They are certainly not my favorite family of animals 😉

      • Hi Red! 🙂

        Yes a fish would be nice, but I live in a two room flat which is big enough for me, but no room for anything apart from myself and furniture…

        Maybe if I win the lottery I’ll buy a bigger place and have room for a cat – I have a friend who is a volunteer at a pet rescue sanctuary so getting one will be a doddle! 🙂

        Love and hugs!


        • That would be a great thing. Now, you know, Pren, I am hard pressed to believe you haven’t the space for a vase. Bettas require about a gallon of water. I love to put a plant in the top of the vase, but where Gruber stays, a plant would be intrusive. He actually lives on our dining room table. Only when I serve elaborate meals does he move to somewhere else. Look around and see if there is somewhere you could put a vase, urn or glass container. Some company would do you some good! {HUGZ} Red.

  10. Had to put my female yellow lab to sleep 25 years ago. Never another pet. If there is an afterlife and I can have just 2 “people” with me it would be that dog and first grandchild.
    Carl D’Agostino recently posted..Tusk bust by Carl D’AgostinoMy Profile

    • When I think of all the animals with which I have been fortunate enough to hold company, there are many I would love to encounter again. The most dismal parts of my life were all marked with periods of only proxy pets (those of neighbors or family)…with the exception of fish. Even when abode was not conducive to mammals or birds, there were always fish. I have a daughter to take the spot of your grandchild.


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