Not Using It

You can Make A Difference in as many as 80 people’s lives. The best part? You do this once, and forget it. Someone else is going to take care of all the rest. There is no reason not to do it. Are you someone who MAD?


These numbers change everyday. Sometimes, they change 100 times per day. By the time you read this, the numbers will have changed again. As of 22AUG12 at 1039 EDT:


These are candidates on the organ donation waiting list according to OPTN, Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network.


These candidates are on the active list. According to the HRSA, Health Resources and Services Administration, and OPTN, candidates are active only under certain circumstances:

A transplant candidate eligible to be considered for organ offers at a given point in time. Some transplant candidates are temporarily classified as ‘inactive’ by their transplant center because they are medically unsuitable for transplantation or need to complete other eligibility requirements.” ~ US Department of Health and Human Services

You read that right. Some patients are too sick to qualify to have their lives saved by an organ they need to live.  Their health declines because they need an organ and do not get it, thus becoming ineligible to get the organ they need.


Between 01JAN12 and 31MAY12, 11,469 organs have been transplanted from American donors. The majority of these were taken off the candidate list because their needs were met. Some did not come off the list because they are in need of another organ due to a need for multiple organs, post-transplant organ failure or rejection.

Less than 5% = 5,677

During the same period, the number of donors who replaced those who donated the 11,469 organs was less than 5% of the total current need: Only 5,677 new donors registered.

2,486 Deaths

By May of this year, 2,486 people had died awaiting a transplant which did not come. Last year, 6,696 patients died before they received a transplant.

Men vs. Women

Regardless of race, more men are registered as deceased organ donors than women.¹ 62% of all living donors are women.³

The Waiting Game¹

By organ and ethnicity, those who wait the longest for a transplant are:


Pacific Islanders: Median waiting time 2,604 days (7 years, 49 days)


Blacks: Median waiting time 1,199 days (3 years, 104 days)


American Indians: Median waiting time 1,096 days (3 years, 1 day)


Blacks: Median waiting time 666 days (1 year, 301 days)


Hispanics: Median waiting time 651, (1 year, 286 days)


Asians, American Indians, Non-Hispanics, Pacific Islanders: No median waiting time. Less than 10 transplants were made to accumulate statistics.

MAD Facts

Hispanic women are the least likely to donate their organs. Even though white men are the largest donor category, they are underrepresented against their need for organs. In 2012, white men represent 27% of all people needing organs. White people represent 71% of all living donors and 72% off all deceased donors from whom organs were retrieved. 16% of all deceased donors are children under the age of 18.¹

Almost 35% of those on the waiting list for kidneys are black. Blacks, Asians, Pacific Islanders and American Indians are three times more likely to require a kidney transplant as a result of end-stage renal failure secondary to hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes and other kidney-damaging diseases.³

Kidneys are the most transplanted organ, which causes turnover in the candidate numbers. More than 16,800 kidneys were transplanted in 2009, but more than 5,400 people died waiting for kidneys. A live donor kidney has a half-life of 28.8 years, where a deceased donor kidney has a half-life of 15.1 years. This means a living donation can last a lifetime for an adult recipient where a deceased donation will likely end in a recipient being re-registered for candidacy for a new organ.²

Hearts are the organ which has the highest transplant rate. This means of those who qualify to receive a transplant, the largest percentage received an organ. Asians have the highest heart transplant rate, at just over 80%. Blacks have the lowest at 66%.¹

Today, 79 people will receive a transplant, but 18 people will die waiting for an organ.³ 2.5 million people will die this year.⁴ People are living longer, meaning the wait for organs is not getting shorter.⁴ Of the 311.6 million⁵ people in the United States, just over 100 million are registered organ donors.³


(2010-2011) Are you in the statistics? (Click to enlarge)

Make A Difference

1. Register. 

You have to register with your state. (International information below.)

2. Inform.

  • Declare your donor status on your driver’s license and/or government -issued identification card.
  • Inform your physician, Mate, spiritual adviser, family and friends. Most families have no knowledge donors have registered.
  • File notice with area hospitals where you live and travel.

Many registration agencies encourage donors to make a life event on their social media proclaiming their registration to aid in awareness and visibility of their personal choice.

3. Put it in writing.

4. Get tested.

You can be a living donor for kidneys, skin and bone marrow. Outpatient facilities can do test to document your vital statistics, genetic makeup and document you on compatibility markers for organ matching. When a recipient match is added to the candidates’ list, you can be called to donate. Skin can be donated through most hospital burn units.

5. Make it count.

Take steps to ensure your organs will be healthy contributions. Eat healthy. Exercise. Control cholesterol. Sleep well. Maintain a healthy heart.

YOU Make a Difference

Giving the gift of life to someone in need of a vital organ is painless. You will never know it was done. After all, you will have quit using it. Living donation offers the chance to meet the person whose life you change.

  • Donating corneas gives the gift of sight.
  • Donating bones save limbs from amputation and can give bone marrow to a leukemia patient.
  • Donating tissue can mean the difference between horrid burn scars and a relatively natural appearance.
  • Donating the remainder of your body after organ harvesting provides educational material for future doctors.

Give the gift of life. You do make a difference.


Are you a registered organ donor? Do you have your wishes in a living will? Have you filed notice with your hospital? Do you carry donor information with you or wear a donor ID (bracelet or necklace)? Have you considered organ donation in the event of your children’s death? Will you register to make a difference today?

Click the link to your country:

United States
United Kingdom

¹Statistics not otherwise attributed are available as a result of UNOS, United Network for Organ Sharing, statistical reporting of organ transplants via the ODNT data gateway, are complete and archived based on change inactivity through 2004 or are current reported unarchived statistics from 2012 or reported in 2011.

²Statistics in the paragraph:  Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Transplantation; 2011. Available at ODNT, 2010 Report, Chapter I. Accessed 08AUG12.

³Statistics available via Donate the Gift of LIFE, US Department of Health and Human Services.

Centers for Disease Control

United States Census Bureau.

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Red, I love the way you hold up issues so we don’t/won’t forget about them. It’s easy to say yeah, yeah, and then forget about it.
    Barb recently posted..Leaking Music from the PastMy Profile

  2. Thanks for the reminder to make arrangements to be a donor.

  3. Red, I’m a registered donor, but donors must remember the next of kin, a spouse, or parent, child or sibling can still stop the process in some jurisdictions. It is so important to make everyone aware of your wishes. Good topic, Red-and increasingly, so important to many patients waiting critical help. ~R
    raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..Flash Fiction: SunshineMy Profile

    • Sounds like a regional issue. The way the laws are set up, there is no way to fight it when it is done properly. The organs are harvested and that is all. The few cases which there was stink over were all celebrities, who we know circumvent the law. If you do the living will and record it properly, the hospital has the right to do what you wanted. Caveat: Provided your mental state was not at issue at the time. There are even ways around that caveat.

  4. It’s a very good cause, one any one of us might need one day. It would be great if they perfect the generation of tissue and organs form one’s own stem cells. Then no one would have to be denied.
    Binky recently posted..Birthday of AgesMy Profile

    • I would love to see that happen sooner than later. The advancements continue. It is a matter of keeping the whack jobs out of the arena.

  5. AWESOMEST POST RED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i registered a while ago in Ontario –
    Kudos Lady ……
    you never know whom will need anything – it’s so true ……. and it’s so easy to do ,…….
    wise wise wise post …….
    love xo
    and go look at the moon
    she is beautifulllllllllllll 🙂 xx
    Cat Forsley recently posted..No Rules Award + Thank You Summer Hearts ! xo Cat Forsley ©My Profile

    • Cool! Glad to know you are in the right statistics! I did! It is absolutely gorgeous. Have a beautiful rest of the night, mon Chat Doux. <3 xxx

  6. je t’aime ……….
    and it’s sooooooooooooooooooo easy to help any cause in the world – all people have to do is WRITE or talk about it ………………. 🙂
    goodnight xoxoxoxooxoxo
    Cat Forsley recently posted..No Rules Award + Thank You Summer Hearts ! xo Cat Forsley ©My Profile

  7. I was a registered donor for decades, but now I’m on medication I’m no longer on the list.

    Even so I have made it clear I want my remains to be used in medicine to train the next tranche of doctors.

    I lost my card years ago, but I’m still registered… 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Thursday – Medication day.My Profile

    • I am so glad to hear you are donating your body. I have not looked into all of the British laws, but I know here, even those who cannot donate specific organs based on medications (anti-seizure, blood viscosity and anti-psychotics especially) can donate skin and some tissues. Makes for interesting research. Good on you, Pren. {HUGZ}

      • Yeah.

        I’m on Olanzapine at the moment, so I can’t give blood like I used to, but if they can find a use for my body after I have no further use for it, then I’m happy! 🙂

        Love and hugs!

        prenin recently posted..Thursday – Medication day.My Profile

  8. Another great posting Red 🙂
    I hope that you are enjoying a
    very nice start to your Friday 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Friday is off to a roaring start, Andro. Make yours a good one, and I shall see you for the giggles later! 😉

  9. This is excellent, Red.
    I didn’t know how the facts lay. Where do you get your statistics? I’m curious.

    This is amazing, though. I plan to give my body for science. They may find the “alcoholic” and “depressed” brain interesting.
    Noeleen recently posted..A Love StoryMy Profile

    • If you click the Australian link in the bottom of the post, you will be taken to the site for your country. Each country has wildly varying statistics. I used American numbers because more transplants take place in the United States than any other country. Body donation is a great thing. Be sure you have your paperwork in order. Someone (Ray, I believe.) mentioned family getting in the way. If the paperwork is in order, there really is no fight.

      The potential for genetic research is astounding.

  10. I am always in awe of your information filled MAD posts my friend. This is a great one, not only for the information included but for the cause.

    I am barred from being a donor but prior to that was always one. Someday perhaps they will change the rules.
    valentine logar recently posted..Ideologies or are they, 1900My Profile

    • It might be worth the time to look into bone donation. The screenings for it are bone-related. There are some meds which cause osteoporotic symptoms, but much of the time, bone donation is still possible even when organs are not an option. It means the world to someone who faces amputation secondary to MVA, falling or bone destroying maladies.

      You are right about the rules changing. Many of them have in the last few decades. Those who were precluded before are no longer because those who could not under old rules donated their bodies. The research bore out the preclusions were unwarranted.


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