Let’s get into the time machine and see what you can expect to see on social media in 2020.
January 5, 2020, 02:49
What a fabbo NYE party! I think next year, we should start about three days earlier.
February 19, 2020, 15:06
Dear #FBFail,
Humor us all. For once, send out a survey asking the ones who are making you millions what we want.
Red, for more than my hair.
March 30, 2020, 06:41
If you are surprised by anything I post, obviously you do not know me at all.
April 11, 2020, 11:22
How many more days until I need a handful of tranquilizers to deal with the school? Oh, right. Eight minutes. Hopefully, they are all medicated this time.
May 7, 2020, 21:04
*giggles* Mischief managed. xxx
June 27, 2020, 15:31
350 miles down. Let’s see if I can manage another 150 before dark-thirty, delivery for dinner and the pool when we awaken.
July 8, 2020, 04:53
Finished. I am fairly certain… It is a book.
August 28, 2020, 05:40
Heads, stay up until the alarm. Tails, nap until the alarm.
September 14, 2020, 13:29
Guys and Dolls, the sunshine calls. Someone you know needs you to wrap your arms around them. Do it. It is good for both of you. xxx
October 31, 2020, 19:27
Trick-or-Treat over. Now, to paint on my costume and have some fun.
November 19, 2020, 01:16
Brownies. That is all.
December 26, 2020, 18:02
Time for the NYE party!!!
Will you join me on a Month of Prompts? Grab the picture. Link to the page. It will be a fun ride!
What would one of your status updates look like in 2020?
Hashtags: #writingprompts #amwriting #MonthofPrompts
Thank you for sharing The M3 Blog with hashtags.
/ April 29, 2016Perfect vision!
Binky recently posted..Logic vs Emotion
Red of M3
/ May 1, 2016Shame we have to wait so long for it!
gigoid, the dubious
/ May 3, 2016Sounds as if you’ve a good, busy year planned out; go figure… *grin*
Since it takes a loaded, cocked projectile weapon pointing at my temple, from a point out of reach, to get me on social media, other than the odd moment on Twitter, (a word I dearly abhor, especially applied to myself), I find it hard to follow your lead on this one. But, if I have anything I’d love to have come to pass by then, it would be to be able to spend some solid time with my grandkids, for a trip to anywhere…. They’ll be 10 and 5 then….
Oh, and a few occasions where I partake of the sort of fun you describe for Halloween would be cool, especially since my own 70th trip around the sun is celebrated the day after; it will be nice to not wake up alone that morning….
*broad wink*
See ya, luv…
gigoid, the dubious
Red of M3
/ May 4, 2016I have a cellular objection to Twitter, despite having two accounts. I set them automatically because I loathe it entirely. I have more than my fair share of fun on FB. One of my blogosphere friends felt as you did about social media. We just celebrated one year on FB, and the naughtiness is divine. xxx
Gray Dawster
/ May 8, 2016Wow I like your predictions for 2020, and by the way if you need any help with the body painting artistry, tell me, where do I sign up? 😉 lol
Well I only said.
Andro xxx
Gray Dawster recently posted..Four Tips From Seasoned Bloggers
Red of M3
/ May 9, 2016You are the first one I shall call. 🙂 xxx