Muse for Monday

What has Mantra put together? She took some time in the lantern to perfect something I did not expect.

Mantra GlowSomething bizarre happens when I take a break from writing. When I return, there is a freshness to everything. Mantra is no different. She often surprises me with the way she shakes the lantern.

Today’s example is one of those which defies her tried and true, very metered, odd rhyme scheme fare.

Juxtaposition is typically named, but everything about it is different from what I have come to expect from the pixie. Even her subject is one foreign to me. I still have not determined if she had a good time wherever she went on her hiatus.

This poem will be in the third collection of Mantra’s poetry. Look for it close to the end of the year at RedmundPro.


The song is strangely sweet,
Pungent fruit on my tongue.
Gritty softness beneath my feet.
Is it merely juxtaposition
Making the memories so dear
Or is it so I will have an option
To judge this time as good or bad
Based on how we end?
Truth tainted by feelings, happy or sad?
For the moment, I’ll just savor
The tactile nature of all within the dream
And wake tomorrow to discover
If you have snuggled here or gone there.
Only then will I discern our brief encounter
A dream come true or merely a nightmare.


Have you ever met someone and not been entirely sure if you liked their company or not? Do we judge our relationships more on the way they end or on the content of their duration?

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  1. This is a wonderful piece of poetry Red 🙂

    Life presents most of us with many experiences, some are amazingly positive and others that can be thought of in a negative sense are sometimes discarded but to fathom each encounter, each relationship in the true meaning of its worth is not so easy to accomplish being that each has a different formula.

    Perhaps with such exhilarating thoughts for one bonding it can freshen the psyche towards others but then in reality every fraction of togetherness is something important, and different for all of us, they are building blocks on every connection that we make, moulding our inner thoughts and trying to understand each segment, but sometimes life and loving combined is multifaceted, and everyone must find their own equilibrium.

    Andro xxxx

    • I think that is where we truly drop the ball. We look at the individual encounters rather than the aggregate. Many relationships I have had which are now over were wonderful. Whatever the reasons were they fell by the wayside could not overshadow the fact, in their time, they were fulfilling, engaging and precisely as they should have been. Mayhap, more will look at the broader horizon than merely the explosion in the centre of the frame. 🙂

  2. I’m not much one understanding poetry such at the ones you write, but I know you writing well enough to know it has to be brilliant, Red.
    Deb recently posted..Flash in the Pan: ChocolateMy Profile

    • Thank you for reading this one. It is a bit different than most of the others. xxx

  3. Wonderful poem and I am happy to hear there will be another poetry collection from you soon. As for the lines, they speak of the uneasiness with someone. I have put aside that uneasiness for want of love and the ending was indeed a nightmare. I felt the ‘want’ was a ‘need’. Now I see that I ‘need’ self-love xo
    Christy Birmingham recently posted..The Rattle Poetry ContestMy Profile

    • While I agree without self-love no relationship will work, I am left with my query. Do we judge relationships giving too much weight to the end rather than seeing the whole for what it was worth in the moment and in retrospect. xxx

  4. Indeed, the end usually colors my estimation of the relationship, but in retrospect, the juxtaposition of early and end days merge and my view becomes more whole, with my contributions to the nightmare laid bare. It’s so good to know Mantra is back, with a fresh face and new grasp on the pen. xoxox
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Interview with Poet Laurie ChildreeMy Profile

  5. People can be very difficult to understand at times. I think the longer the relationship, the more likely we are to see it in a positive light after enough time has passed.
    Binky recently posted..Wine Gum Factory TourMy Profile

    • Which makes me wonder why we need other water beneath the bridge to see it for what it really was…

  6. Good poem hun: Dream or nightmare?

    I guess it is down to the reader! 🙂

    I have met many people I felt cautious about only to find my fears well founded.

    Darrell and Doug being a case in point: Eager for my help and outwardly friendly, yet for a darker purpose…

    Love and hugs!

    Prenin recently posted..Monday – a memory like a bucket full of holes!My Profile

  7. Loved the poem Red
    There have been times when I didn’t like a person,will not be able to tell you why,for I myself don’t know the reason..There are people who have done me no wrong and yet I cannot stand them..i really really try my best to get over that strange feeling but sometimes those strong dislikes win over my manners
    and then there are times when I really like a person had a great time, bonded well and found out that person is not liked by people around me…anyways I don’t judge people by what others say…but never being unsure have very strong likes and dislikes ..
    yikes I am not liking what I wrote here
    Soma Mukherjee recently posted..Cultnama 2013- Make your own Multigrain Cult in eight simple stepsMy Profile

    • Why? That is intuition. Sometimes our conscience lets us know where the poisonous ppl are. xxx

  8. There have been very few people in this world to whom I took an instant dislike. One of them just walked into a business where I had been “working” (long story) for some time; never seen him before, and almost before he opened his mouth to say a word, my gut feeling was NOT to trust him, ever. Turns out he was the new priest at a local church…who invited his female parishioners to join him in a hot tub. One of my more gullible friends took him up on this, and told us about him. Needless to say, he soon moved on. Not soon enough, for my taste.

    • Wish I could say that. I have had more than my fair share of those who instantly hit me wrong. Most all of them were people who needed to be at a distance. Frankly, a few states between us would not have been a bad distance. xxx

  9. Some people I can strike up a conversation with and end up having a wonderful friendship, while others, have some kind of agenda and the short friendship ends all sour notes.

    Sour notes tend to leave a bad taste and feelings of inadequacy and confusion.

    I am not a reader of poetry but do make an effort to understand it when I can. Your poems are a challenge but always interesting.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – CantinaMy Profile

    • These new ones are a bit more cryptic and suited for the classical poetry readers. I am fairly certain Mantra will deliver a few which are between the eyes as those to which I have grown accustomed. xxx


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